J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1653
rights and to land under public navigable waters and the corre-
sponding laws of other states relating thereto.
Whereas, by common law all land under public navigable waters
is State property; and
Whereas, land under public navigable waters supports valuable
shellfish beds and is the spawning ground and nursery ground of
valuable populations of fish, all of which the State is obligated to
protect and preserve and is the recreation area for many people; and
Whereas, individuals and corporations express an increasing in-
terest in exploiting land under public navigable waters for mineral re-
sources and to extend water-front real estate; and
Whereas, State administration of land under public navigable
waters is confused by existing statutes some of which apply only
to the Chesapeake Bay, some only to the tributaries of the Chesapeake
Bay and none specifically to the public navigable waters of Worcester
County and the Atlantic Ocean off Worcester County; and
Whereas, State administration of land under public navigable
waters is further confused by vague and ill-defined rights and
privileges of riparian landowners and by the jurisdiction of the
Federal government over navigation channels; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Legisla-
tive Council be requested to appoint a special subcommittee to study
Maryland laws relating to riparian rights and to land under public
navigable waters, and the corresponding laws of other states partly
covered by public navigable waters; and be it further
Resolved, That the special subcommittee be instructed to report
its conclusions and recommendations on or before December 1, 1965;
and be it further
Resolved, That copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the
Chairman and the Secretary of the Legislative Council and the
Approved May 4, 1965.
No. 44
(House Joint Resolution 68)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Legislative Council to appoint
a vigorous and able committee to study and resolve the persistent
increases in public welfare costs.
The members of the General Assembly are strongly critical of
the constant and persistent increases in the cost of public welfare in
this State.
Indications now are that in fiscal 1966 the cost of welfare in this
State will be in excess of $82,000,000.00, representing an increase of
some $14,000,000.00 over the present year. Without question, unless
strong action is taken to arrest this trend, the figures will continue
to rise sharply year after year.