County, and (3) the requirement of approval by the County Council
of any land use plan for said County or part thereof to give said
land use plan any validity in law; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That (1) a Com-
mission is created and constituted to be designated and known as
The Montgomery County Commission on Zoning and Planning Law
and Procedures; (2) the membership of said Commission shall con-
sist of (a) Two members from the public at large in the County to
be named and designated by the President of the Montgomery County
Council, one of whom WHICH members from the public at large shall
be designated by the President of said Council as chairman of said
Commission; (b) One member from the Suburban Maryland
Builders Association to be named and designated by the President
of said Association; (c) One member from the Metropolitan Home
Builders Association to be named and designated by the President
of said Association; (d) Two members from the Montgomery
County Bar Association with special qualifications in the field of
administrative and zoning law, said members to be named and
designated by the President of said Association; (e) One member
of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce to be named and
designated by the President of said Chamber of Commerce; (f) One
member of the Allied Civic Group Incorporated to be named and
designated by the President of said organization; (g) One member
of the Montgomery County Civic Federation to be named and desig-
nated by the President of said organization; (h) One member of
the Montgomery County Planning Board or a technical staff member
thereof, to be designated by the chairman of said Planning Board;
(i) One member of the Montgomery County representatives on the
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, or a technical staff mem-
ber thereof, to be designated by the vice-chairman of said Sanitary
Commission; (j) One member of the Montgomery County Citizens'
Planning Association to be named and designated by the President
of said organization; (K) ONE MEMBER OF THE LEAGUE
ORGANIZATION; In the event there is a vacancy on the Com-
mission by reason of death, of resignation or refusal to serve by,
any designee . of any official named above, then the official shall
name a successor for such designee so deceased, resigning or re-
fusing to serve. (3) The functions and duties of the Commission
shall include, but not be limited to: (a) A study and review of
existing legislation respecting zoning and planning mechanics and
procedures in Montgomery County, (b) A study and review of the
existing legislation and administrative practice relating to the co-
ordination of sanitary sewer and water construction with land use
planning in said County, (c) A study and review of the advisability
or feasibility of establishing an administrative board to hear and
determine zoning map amendments in said County, (d) A. study
and review of the proper sphere of influence of the Montgomery
County Council over land use plans, sanitary sewer and water con-
struction and planning and related matters, (e) Recommendations
as to legislation needed, if any, to meet problems in this field.
The Commission shall conduct meetings in such places in Mont-
gomery County as it may determine advisable; and the County
Council of Montgomery County is requested hereby to make available