A challenging proposal for such a Compact was contained in an
address before the General Assembly of the States under The Council
of State Governments at its biennial meeting in Chicago in early
December, 1964. At that time Dr. James B. Conant, the eminent
educator, pointed out the need for a nation-wide educational policy,
which he said could only be accomplished by the 50 States in partner-
ship with the Federal Government.
The particular problem lies in formulating, stating, and then giving
effect to a set of goals and standards in public education.
Somewhat earlier in 1964, the Honorable Francis Keppel, United
States Commissioner of Education, also had stressed the problems
of public education facing the several States and the United States.
He added that the ultimate answer to these questions "will not and
cannot come from Washington, from the Federal Government, but
from each of our States ... and from the new vigor and vitality they
bring to our educational enterprises."
In his address before the General Assembly of the States, Dr.
Conant summarized that "..... educational policy in the United States
has been determined in the past by the more or less haphazard inter-
action of (1) the leaders of public school teachers, administrators
and professors of education, (2) state educational authorities, (3) a
multitude of state colleges and universities, (4) private colleges and
universities, and (5) the variety of agencies of the Federal Govern-
ment, through which vast sums of money have flowed to individual
institutions and the states."
It was Dr. Conant's thesis that "such a jumble of influential pri-
vate and public bodies does not correspond to the needs of the nation
in the 1960's. Some degree of order needs to be brought out of this
chaos primarily for the benefit of the on-coming generations, but
also to achieve a more effective use of public and private monies.
Each State needs to keep its educational planning material in good
order. This is the first priority in the matter of going ahead with
developing a nation-wide policy."
Specifically, Dr. Conant proposed there be an educational Compact
formulated under which all 50 States in the Union could move for-
ward in unison in establishing and achieving this study of colleges
and standards of public education.
The Council of State Governments should initiate such a study and
present to the several States its recommendations and proposals for
such a Compact; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Council
of State Governments is requested to explore possibilities for and the
feasibility of a Compact approach to a study of colleges and standards
in public education; and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of State of Maryland is requested to
send copies of this Resolution to the Board of Managers of the
Council of State Governments and to the President of the Senate
in each of the 50 States of the United States.
Approved May 4, 1965.