J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1613
of the annual requirement for expenditures for capital improve-
ments for schools; and
Whereas, Debt service requirements for public schools represent
only about 40% of all total local debt requirements; and
Whereas, The State of Maryland may be approaching the point
where the financing of capital costs on a current basis should be
considered; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Com-
mittee on Taxation and Fiscal Matters of the Legislative Council
be requested to study the entire problem of financing capital costs
of schools throughout the State; that it consider possible revision of
the present methods of financing such costs; re-evaluate the role
of the State in such a revised program, and report its recommenda-
tion to the Legislative Council and General Assembly.
Approved March 11, 1965.
No. 7
(Senate Joint Resolution 12)
Senate Joint Resolution urging the Board of Public Works to in-
vestigate the status and availability with the United States Navy
Department of the Patuxent Naval Air Station Annex property
in Calvert County and to initiate studies leading to a determina-
tion of the best usage of the Annex property by the State of
The United States Navy Department has indicated an intention to
abandon the Patuxent Naval Air Station Annex located adjacent to
Route 2 and extending westerly to the Patuxent River several miles
above Solomons in Calvert County. Even though the Annex is to be
declared abandoned, it is possible that several years could elapse
before this property would be declared surplus and become available
for acquisition by the State of Maryland.
This property of approximately 229 acres is improved by a water
system, a fire department building and other public buildings, and
many residences and other permanent structures. There are many
readily apparent and desirable uses for improved property of this
size by the State of Maryland, and it is desirable to begin now to
initiate steps leading to its acquisition from the United States and
determination of its best use. Without any detailed investigation
of the property, it would for example, seem to be desirable for use
as a higher education facility in conjunction with or as a branch of
the University of Maryland.
Utilization of the property by the State of Maryland would help
to alleviate the condition of business and employment in Calvert
County, which has been declared by the President of the United
States to be a distressed area because of unemployment; now,
therefore, be it