(d-1) The salaries and expenses of the Department of Motor Ve-
hicles, referred to in subsection (d) of this section, shall not be paid
from such monies in any amount annually in excess of six million
dollars ($6,000,000). Any of such annual salaries and expenses which
may be in excess of the amount indicated shall be paid from the Gen-
eral Funds of the State; and the Governor in submitting the Budget
Bill and any supplements thereto shall limit appropriations from the
special funds referred to in sub-section (d) of this section for the an-
nual salaries and expenses of the Department of Motor Vehicles, to
the amount of six million dollars ($6,000,000).
(d-2) The salaries and expenses of the Department of Maryland
State Police and of the State Police Retirement System of the State
of Maryland referred to in sub-section (d) of this section, shall not
be paid from such monies in any amount annually in excess of an
aggregate of eight million two hundred fifty thousand dollars
($8,250,000). Any of such annual salaries and expenses which may
be in excess of the amount indicated shall be paid from the General
Funds of the State; and the Governor in submitting the Budget Bill
and any supplements thereto shall limit appropriations from the
special funds referred to in sub-section (d) of this section, for the
annual salaries and expenses of the Department of Maryland State
Police and of the State Police Retirement System of the State of
Maryland, to the amount in the aggregate of eight million two hun-
dred fifty thousand dollars ($8,250,000).
(d-3) The cost of paying the principal and interest on bonds issued
to pay the cost of capital improvements for the Department of Mary-
land State Police and the Department of Motor Vehicles, referred
to and provided for in sub-section (d) of this section, is limited to
such bonds authorized by the General Assembly prior to June 1, 1964.
Any bonds and certificates of indebtedness authorized by the General
Assembly from and after June 1, 1964, for such purposes, shall pro-
vide that the cost of paying the principal and interest thereon be
paid from monies other than the special funds referred to in sub-
section (d) of this section.
Article 88B
Salaries, expenses and maintenance of the Department of Maryland
State Police shall be paid out of the gross income of the Department
of Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, exclusive of that revenue pro-
duced by fines and forfeitures, and exclusive of the revenue arising
from commercial hire truck license fees and commercial hiring
franchise truck fees. The amount of such salaries, expenses and
maintenance to be paid respectively from the gross income of the
Department of Motor Vehicles and from the General Funds of the
State are subject to the provisions and restrictions of Section 341
of Article 66-½ of this Code.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That Section 29(a) of Article
66-½ of said Code (1957 Edition), title "Motor Vehicles", sub-title
"Administration—Registration—Titling", be and it is hereby re-
pealed and reenacted with amendments, to read as follows: