J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 61
contained in Section 30 of Article 89B of the Annotated Code of
Article 89B
29 A.
The proceeds of the tax which is imposed by Section 136 (g) of
Article 56 of this Code, calculated and distributed as provided in
Item No. 3 in Section 137(a) of Article 56 of this Code, shall be held
by the State Treasurer, for use of the State Roads Commission, (1)
to the extent required for debt service on State Highway Construction
Bonds, Third Issue, pursuant to Sections 211A-211G, inclusive, of
this Article, and (2) the balance to be credited to the Construction
Fund which is constituted and referred to in Section 32(e) of this
Article, but such balance shall not be subject to transfer to the Motor
Vehicle Revenue Fund under the provisions of Section 32(f) of this
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That Section 341 (d) of Article
66½ of said Code (1963 Supplement), title "Motor Vehicles", sub-
title "Offenses and Prosecutions", be and it is hereby repealed and
reenacted with amendments; and that new Sections 341 (d-1),
341(d-2), and 341 (d-3) be and they are hereby added to said Article
and sub-title (1957 Edition and 1963 Supplement), to follow immedi-
ately after Section 341 (d); and that Section 7 of Article 88B of said
Code (1957 Edition), title "State Police", sub-title "In General", be
and it is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendments, and all to
read as follows:
Article 66½
(d) Subject to the provisions of Sections 29, 71, 81 and 128 of this
article, all monies received by the Department pursuant to the pro-
visions of this article shall be accounted for and remitted by the
Department to the State Treasurer who, subject to the restrictions
in subsections (d-1), (d-2), and (d-3) of this section, after first pay-
ing, or retaining a sufficient amount thereof to pay, all refunds of
motor vehicle registration fees in this article provided, all the salaries
and expenses of the Department, the traffic court of Baltimore City,
the Maryland Traffic Safety Commission, the salaries and other
expenses of the State Roads Commission in enforcing the provisions
of this article limiting weight, height, width and length of motor
vehicles, the Department of Maryland State Police and of the State
Police Retirement System of the State of Maryland, the Department
of Education in administering driver education in the public high
schools pursuant to Section 90(e) of this article, costs in dismissed
cases pursuant to Section 330 of this article and the cost of paying
the principal and interest on bonds issued to pay the cost of capital
improvements for the Department of Maryland State Police and the
Department of Motor Vehicles of Maryland when such capital im-
provements are authorized by the Board of Public Works of Mary-
land, shall hold the balance of said monies in a special fund hereby
created and known as the Motor Vehicle Revenue Fund, said fund to
be thereafter held and distributed in accordance with the provisions
applicable to said fund contained in Article 89B of the Annotated
Code of Maryland.