lies to enter into an agreement guaranteeing to defend, hold and save
the United States, its officers, agents, servants and contractors, free
from any and all damages and claims of damage that may result
directly or indirectly from the aforesaid work, dredging and con-
struction; and
Whereas, Said project is necessary to the welfare of the citizens
of Worcester County and to the industries located therein, the said
Pocomoke River binding upon and running through Worcester Coun-
ty for a distance of forty-three miles; and
Whereas, Said project will be of little or no benefit to the citizens
of Somerset County within the foreseeable future; and
Whereas, The County Commissioners of Somerset County have in-
formed the County Commissioners of Worcester County that they will
not enter into such an agreement with the United States unless said
County Commissioners of Worcester County agree to save harmless
the County Commissioners of Somerset County from paying any
damages, court costs, counsel fees and other costs that may be in-
curred under the aforesaid agreement with the United States while
the said project is in progress and as a result thereof; now, therefore
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Board of County Commissioners of Worcester County may
enter into an agreement with the Board of County Commissioners of
Somerset County, to the effect that if the County Commissioners of
Somerset County enter into a contract between said County Commis-
sioners of Somerset County on the one part and an agency or agencies
of the United States government on the other part, providing for the
dredging and construction of a canal or channel in Pocomoke Sound
leading to the mouth of the Pocomoke River, all in Somerset County,
the County Commissioners of Worcester County shall indemnify and
save harmless the County Commissioners of Somerset County from
any and all damages, court costs, counsel fees and other costs that
may be payable by the County Commissioners of Somerset County
by reason of the dredging and construction of this canal or channel
and the County Commissioners of Worcester County shall pay any
costs incurred by the County Commissioners of Somerset County
as a result of the dredging and construction of this canal or channel,
whether directly or indirectly incurred.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1964.
Approved April 7, 1964.
(Senate Bill 11)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 211 of
Article 89B of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1963 Supple-
ment), title "State Roads", sub-title "Bonds, Notes or Other
Evidence of Indebtedness", sub-heading "State Highway Construc-
tion Bonds, Second Issue", amending the laws concerning the
powers of the State Roads Commission to borrow for the use of