The bill was read the third time and passed by yeas and nays as
Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Bertier, Duvall, Fallon, Helms, Larrimore,
McNulty, Weidemeyer, Benner, Dowell, Linton, Boone, Bossle, MacDaniel, Maguire,
Medairy, Peters, Price, Spurrier, Stone, Tyler, Harrison, Lowe (T.), Butler, Long
(Chas.), Quinn, Bennett, Matthews, Merryweather, Spicer, Burkheimer, Harris, Con-
roy, Dentz, Emanuel, Goodman, Hart, Koonce, Machen, Marshall, Wineland, Hickman
(C. M.), Hickman (R.), Pilchard, Polk, Byron, Collins, Houck, Payne, Remsberg, Virts,
Blair, Hardwicke, Hess, Scarff, Wise, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Holub, Lapides,
McCourt, Ray, Acker, Kircher, Krug, Mooney, O'Malley, Palmisano, Tawney, Abramson
(M.), Dixon, Mitchell, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Siegel, Silver, Stark, Baumann,
Corrigan, McGuirk, Murphy, Wheatley, Dillon, Grumbacher, Huyett, Spence, Tingle,
Anderson (T. M.), Blondes, Bresler, Cook (E. P.), Doing, Gore, McAuliffe, McInerney,
Miller, Moore, Anderson (F. H.), Beall, Cook (N. S.), Reed, See, Williams, Dulany,
Magin, O'Farrell, Yingling, Hanna, Warfield, Long (J. J.), Lowe (H.), White, Bray,
Glotfelty, Groves. Total—122
Messrs. O'Connell and Young. Total—2
Said bill was then sent to the Senate.
At 9:30 o'clock P. M., on motion of Mr. Hess, the House took a recess
until 11:00 o'clock A. M.
Legislative Day March 12, 1964.
Calendar Day March 13, 1964.
At 11:00 o'clock P. M., the House resumed its session.
Present at roll call were the following members:
Speaker, Briscoe, Fowler, Boyer, Joiner, Bertier, Duvall, Fallon, Larrimore, Mc-
Nulty, Weidemeyer, Dowell, Linton, Boone, Bossle, MacDaniel, Maguire, Medairy,
Peters, Price, Rush, Spurrier, Staten, Tyler, Harrison, Lowe (T.), Butler, Quinn, Ben-
nett, Spicer, Burkheimer, Conroy, Dentz, Goodman, Hart, Koonce, Machen, McDon-
ough, Hickman (C. M.), Risley, Hickman (R.), Pilchard, Polk, Byron, Collins, Houck,
Payne, Remsberg, Virts, Blair, Hardwicke, Hess, Scarff, Blades, Wise, Bullock, Dem-
bowski, Kosakowski, Mrozinski, Silk, Walters, Antonelli, Behounek, Holub, Lapides,
McCourt, Ray, Acker, Kircher, O'Connell, O'Malley, Tawney, Abramson (J.), Dixon,
Epstein, Mitchell, Young, Cardin, Friedman, Resnick, Siegel, Silver, Stark, Baumann,
Corrigan, McGuirk, Murphy, Wheatley, Dillon, Grumbacher, Hoffman, Huyett, Spence,
Tingle, Anderson (T. M.), Bresler, Cook (E. P.), Doing, Gore, McInerney, Miller, Moore,
Anderson (F. H.), Beall, Cook (N. S.), Reed, See, Williams, Dulany, Magin, O'Farrell.
Yingling, Hanna, Warfield, Caldwell, Long (J. J.), Lowe (H.), White, Bray, Glotfelty,
Groves. Total—121
House Bill No. 62—By Delegates Caldwell, Blondes, Resnick, Conroy,
Blair and Marshall:
A Bill entitled: An Act to add new Section 482 to Article 48A of
the Annotated Code of Maryland (1963 Supplement), title "Insurance
Code," subtitle "28. Casualty Insurance," to follow immediately after Sec-