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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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1964]                                 OF THE SENATE                                  105

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.


Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                Total 7.

Amendments to Senate Bill No. 15

By the Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot,
Wicomico, and Worcester County Delegations:

Amendment No. 1—In line 4 of the title of the Third Reading File
Bill immediately preceding the words "to repeal" add the following:
"and to add new Section 11A to the said Article and subtitle of the Code
to follow immediately after Section 11 thereof;" and in line 16 after the
word "Counties" add the following: "and prohibiting the receiving of
remuneration by persons for participation in racial demonstrations and
providing penalties for violations."

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as


President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.


Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                Total 7.

Amendment No. 2—In line 5 of Section 1 on page 1 of the Third
Reading File Bill immediately preceding the word "that" add the fol-
lowing: "that new Section 11A be and it is hereby added to the said
Article and subtitle of the Code to follow immediately after Section 11

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.


Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                Total 7.

Amendment No. 3—Following line 28 of Section 11 on page 2 of the
Third Reading File Bill, add the following:


"(a) It is unlawful for any person to receive any remuneration of any
kind whatsoever for participation in any racial demonstration in the State.

"(b) Violation of this section is punishable upon conviction by fine


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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 195   View pdf image (33K)
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