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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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104                          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS               [March 13

Chapter 227 of the Acts of 1963, and Section 2 of Chapter 228 of the
Acts of 1963, repealing present provisions for a referendum election on
the effect of these subtitles in Carroll County".

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.



Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                 Total 7.

Amendment No. 6—In lines 26, 27 and 28 of Section 11 on page 2
of the Third Reading File Bill (second printing), strike out the follow-
ing: "The application of this section to and within Carroll County is
subject to the results of a referendum election in that county, for which
further provision is made herein."

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.



Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                 Total 7.

Amendment No. 7—In lines 6, 7 and 8 of Section 16 on page 2 of the
Third Reading File Bill (second printing), strike out the following: "The
application of this section to and within Carroll County is subject to the
result of a referendum election in that county, for which further provi-
sion is made herein."

Which amendment was read and concurred in by yeas and nays as



President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hodges, Hughes (G.), Mach, Nock, North, Parran, Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Snyder,
Welcome, Wheatley.                                                                                      Total 22.



Dean, Hepbron, Hughes (H.), Malkus, Roney, Sanford, Weant.                Total 7.

Amendment No. 8—Following line 8 of Section 16 on page 2 of the
Third Reading File Bill (second printing), insert the following new

"Sec. 2A. And be it further enacted, That Section 2 of Chapter 227
of the Acts of 1963, and Section 2 of Chapter 228 of the Acts of 1963, be
and they are hereby repealed."


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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 194   View pdf image (33K)
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