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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 190   View pdf image (33K)
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100                          JOURNAL OF PROCEEDINGS               [March 13

Annapolis, Maryland.

Legislative day March 13, 1964.

Calendar day March 14, 1964.
The Senate met at 12:40 o'clock P. M.
Prayer by Senator Harry Phoebus.
Present at roll call were the following Senators:


President, Alton, Bertorelli, Clark, Curran, Dean, Derr, Dorf, Graham, Gude, Hall,
Hepbron, Hodges, Hughes (G.), Hughes (H.), Mach, Malkus, Nock, North, Parran,
Phoebus, Pine, Raley, Roney, Sanford, Snyder, Weant, Welcome, Wheatley—Total 29.

The journal of March 12, 1964 was read and approved.


The President laid before the Senate, laid over bill with amendments.
House Bill No. 8—By Delegate Weidemeyer:


The amendments, offered from the floor by Senator Alton were with-
drawn by Senator Alton.

Amendments to House Bill No. 8
By Senator Alton:

Amendment No. 1—In lines 4, 5 and 6 of the title of the third reading
file bill, strike out beginning with the word "changing" in line 4, down to
and including the word "County" in line 6, and insert in lieu thereof the
following: "authorizing retailers in Anne Arundel County to sell, barter,
deal in and deliver goods and services on Sunday to the same extent
such goods and services may be sold, bartered, dealt in and delivered on
other days of the week".


Amendment No. 2—Strike out all of lines 2 through 22 of Sec-
tion 521 on pages 1 and 2 of the third reading file bill, and insert in lieu
thereof the following:

"(b) In Anne Arundel County retailers may sell, barter, deal in and
deliver goods and services of any kind or description on Sunday, to the
same extent that such goods and services may be sold, bartered, dealt in
and delivered on any other day of the week."


Amendment No. 3—Strike out all of lines 1 and 2 of Section 2 on
page 2 of the third reading file bill and insert in lieu thereof the following:

"Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared


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Session Laws and Journals, 1964, March Special Session
Volume 673, Page 190   View pdf image (33K)
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