county and Baltimore City supervisory and administrative per-
sonnel, including supervising or helping teachers, supervisors of
pupil personnel I, supervisors of pupil personnel II, and visiting
teachers, in accordance with ratios established by rules and regula-
tions of the State Board of Education, and within the ratio estab-
lished under Section 159, provided that no such appointment in any
of the counties shall be valid without the written approval of the
State Superintendent of Schools, and provided that no person shall
be eligible for such appointment who does not hold from the State
Superintendent a certificate issued in accordance with rules and
regulations adopted by the State Board of Education.
(c) [There shall be appointed in each county and in Baltimore
City one supervisor of pupil personnel I or one supervisor of pupil
personnel II, with the provision that no supervisors of pupil per-
sonnel II shall be appointed after July 1, 1953, whose duty it shall
be to study the causes of and work out solutions for irregular school
attendance and pupil maladjustment so that every child may receive
the benefits of education and juvenile delinquency may be reduced.
In each county having under 5,000 pupils enrolled in school there
shall be appointed a supervisor of pupil personnel; in each county
having 5,000 and fewer than 10,000 pupils enrolled in school there
shall be appointed a supervisor of pupil personnel and a visiting
teacher; and for each additional 5,000 pupils or fraction thereof
enrolled, there shall be appointed an additional visiting teacher,
provided that the appointment of any person as a supervisor of
pupil personnel I, supervisor of pupil personnel II, or as a visiting
teacher shall be invalid without the written approval of the State
Superintendent of Schools.]
Beginning with the school year 1964-1965, for the purpose of
calculating the "State Share of Current Expenses" as provided in
Section 220 of this Article, and for the purposes set forth in this
Section and Sections 92, 148, 208, or elsewhere in this Article, the
total number of professional employees that may be allowed shall
not exceed 46 for each 1,000 of the first 5,000 pupils enrolled as of
September 30 of each year, and 45 for each additional 1,000 pupils
(each to be calculated to the nearest whole position); provided that
professional employee shall mean any employee for whom a cer-
tificate has been issued by the State Superintendent of Schools, or,
in Baltimore City by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, ANY
TION, and that a salary scale has been established by law for the posi-
tion, or the employee meets or exceeds the qualifications required for
an established salary scale; provided not less than 95% of the total
number of allowed professionals shall be assigned to schools; and
provided further that any county or Baltimore City may employ
as MANY professionals as it may deem necessary beyond the number
provided for in this Section.
(d) For the school year [1961-1962] 1964-1965 and continuing
thereafter, and subject to the provisions of this section, every full-
time supervising teacher or supervisor of pupil personnel I holding
a regular certificate, or equivalent status in Baltimore City as deter-
mined by the State Department of Education, shall receive a salary
of not less than the amount specified in the following scale for the
year of teaching and supervising service applicable to him or her.