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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 394   View pdf image (33K)
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396                               LAWS OF MARYLAND                        [CH. 224

residents of said county for two (2) years next preceding the appli-
cation for such license.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all laws or parts of laws,
public general or public local, inconsistent with the provisions of this
Act are hereby repealed to the extent of any such inconsistency.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.

Approved March 29, 1963.

(House Bill 636)

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 522 (b) of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany County (1955 Edition,
being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland),
title "Allegany County," subtitle "Schools," increasing payments
to be made from the Teachers' Relief Fund of Allegany County.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 522 (b) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany
County (1955 Edition, being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Allegany County," subtitle "Schools," be
and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as


(b) Any teacher of the public schools of Allegany County subject
to or taking advantage of the provisions of this section, who shall be-
come disabled or incapacitated from performing regular school work
for a period greater than twenty consecutive school days, shall be paid
out of the said Relief Fund [$2.00] $4.00 per school day for a period
of the first twenty school days, and thereafter the sum of [$4.00]]
$6.00 per school day for a period not greater than eighty school days
in any school year. The benefits provided in this subsection shall be
in lieu of those provided in Section 521.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.

Approved March 29, 1963.

(House Bill 14)

AN ACT to repeal Sections 25(a), 25(b) 25(C), 25(d), 25(e) and 26
of Article 36 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1957 Edition and
1962 Supplement), title "Fees of Officers," subtitle "Sheriffs," and
to enact in lieu thereof new Sections 25(a) and 25(b) to stand in


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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 394   View pdf image (33K)
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