At a Session of the General Assembly of Maryland, begun and held
in the City of Annapolis on the Second Day of January,
1963, and Ending on the First Day of April, 1963, J.
Millard Tawes, being Governor of the State, the following
Laws were enacted, to wit:
(Senate Bill 25)
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to
create a debt, and to issue and sell its certificates of indebtedness
as evidence thereof, to an amount not exceeding eight million
eight hundred thousand dollars ($8,800,000.00), the proceeds
derived from the sale of the certificates of indebtedness, not
exceeding one million five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500-
000.00), to be used for the acquisition, by purchase or condemna-
tion or any other legal means, of land or property in the City of
Baltimore, and establishing thereon or therein, or on or in land
or property now or hereafter owned by the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore, new playgrounds, playfields, recreational
centers or recreational buildings, and for the redesign, develop-
ment and improvement of park, school and other properties now
or hereafter owned by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
for recreational purposes, and for the acquisition and installation
of equipment for any new or redesigned, redeveloped or improved
playground, playfield, recreational center or building; and for
doing any and all things necessary, proper or expedient in con-
nection with or pertaining to any or all of the matters or things
hereinbefore mentioned; the proceeds derived from the sale of the
certificates of indebtedness, not exceeding two million three hun-
dred thousand dollars ($2,300,000.00) to be used for the acquisi-
tion, construction, reconstruction, installation, erection, protection,
extension, enlargement, renovation or modernization of, and addi-
tions to, public park or recreational buildings, structures or facili-
ties, including, but not limited to, the zoo located in Druid Hill
Park and the Baltimore Memorial Stadium fronting on Thirty-
third Street, both of which are located in Baltimore City, and for
the acquisition and installation of equipment for any and all new
facilities authorized to be constructed or erected under the pro-
visions hereof, and for doing any and all things necessary, proper
or expedient in connection with or pertaining to any or all of the
matters or things hereinbefore mentioned; and the balance of the
proceeds derived from the sale of the certificates of indebted-
000.00), after providing for the payment of certain expense items,
to be used for extending, enlarging, developing and improving
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.