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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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26                                LAWS OF MARYLAND                         [CH. 7

Arundel County," subtitle "Finance and Taxation," subheading
"Budget Department," to follow immediately after Section 9-30
thereof, and to read as follows:


The county commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to

pay to the Charter Board of Anne Arundel County, created at the
general election held on November 6, 1962, the sum of Forty Thou-
sand Dollars ($40,000), said sum to be used by said board, in its
sole discretion, in paying all expenses which it has deemed or deems
necessary and proper to be incurred in connection with the prepara-
tion of a charter for Anne Arundel County.

No portion of such sum shall be used, directly or indirectly, for
the payment of any fee, salary, or other compensation of any kind
whatsoever to or for the members of said charter board.

Within thirty (30) days after the charter board has completed
a charter and submitted the same to the President of the Board of
County Commissioners as required by Article XI-A of the Con-
stitution of Maryland, and in any event before the expiration of
seven (7) months after November 6, 1962, the charter board shall
repay to the County Commissioners any unexpended balance of said
sum and shall file with said commissioners a detailed accounting
of all sums expended therefrom, which said accounting shall be
kept available at the office of the county business manager for
public inspection for a period of one (1) year thereafter.

The aforesaid sum of $40,000 shall be paid to the charter board
forthwith after the effective date of this act, and shall be paid from
the general revenue or surplus fund of the county or from the
emergency fund, or any combination thereof, without regard to any
other requirements of this subtitle.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act is hereby declared
to be an emergency measure and necessary for the immediate
preservation of the public health and safety, and having been
passed by a yea and nay vote supported by three-fifths of the mem-
bers elected to each of the two houses of the General Assembly,
the same shall take effect from the date of its passage.

Approved February 1, 1963.

(Senate Bill 28)

AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 76 (b)
and 77 (b) of Article 101 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1962
Supplement), title "Workmen's Compensation", sub-title "State
Accident Fund", correcting errors in the laws relating to the
insurance policy and payment of penalty under the State Accident
Fund Law.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 76 (b) and 77(b) of Article 101 of the Annotated Code


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Session Laws, 1963
Volume 671, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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