Resolved, That this Commission when appointed be requested to
meet and organize promptly and to make recommendations to the
1964 General Assembly for a revision of the present unfair formula
covering the distribution of the gasoline tax fund.
(Not signed by the Governor).
No. 60
(Senate Joint Resolution 39)
Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to appoint a com-
mission to study the problems of local government, outlining par-
ticular problems to be studied, prescribing the membership of the
commission, and generally relating thereto.
Whereas, Since its adoption by the Maryland Constitution of 1885,
the County Commissioner form of government has been so rarely
changed, and then only under the press of emergency or some other
short-run expediency, that the county governments of Maryland, in
fact of the nation, have been called "a patchwork of boards"; and
Whereas, This patchwork of boards often results in a vacuum of
leadership, responsibility and supervision, with the consequent lack
of controls, coordination and efficiency which results in inadequate
local self government and brings a greater centralization of power
at either State or Federal levels since, if the citizens of a community
cannot have the services performed adequately, or at all, by the local
county government, they will look elsewhere for help—either to the
State or Federal government; and
Whereas, Modern functions of a policy determining nature re-
quire a different organizational structure from the older type of
administrative and judicial responsibility; and
Whereas, A new structure involves (1) a placing of power and re-
sponsibility for policy which is made on a county level in the hands
of the county governing body which should be accountable to the
voters for over-all county policy, functional and administrative detail,
(2) a delegation by the State of more powers to the counties, and (3)
a decreased diffusion of authority among a multiplicity of boards,
commissions and offices; and
Whereas, It is clear that the facts of increasing mobility of people
and of capital and of increasing interdependency of counties and
areas; and
Whereas, As we move into the future, to insure that there are no
hindrances to future development, the governmental arrangements
must be such that they will promote and not impede progress; and
Whereas, It has been proposed that the Charter form of govern-
ment be instituted in all Maryland counties and though this particular
proposal may not be feasible or politically possible, there is such a