J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 2149
Whereas, The avowed purpose of said act was to establish a pro-
gram of Federal insurance and reinsurance against the risk of floods
and to encourage private insurance covering such flood risks; and
Whereas, The Congress of the United States has heretofore failed
to appropriate the funds necessary to implement the "Federal Flood
Insurance Act of 1956"; and
Whereas, Since 1956 there have been numerous disasters, storms
and floods in many of the States of this Nation; causing untold dam-
age to public and private property; and
Whereas, In the State of Maryland, as a result of the storm and
flood of March, 1962, alone, the damage to public and private prop-
erty did exceed $7,000,000.00; and
Whereas, The public and private losses suffered as a result of such
storms and floods has caused widepread distress and hardship ad-
versely affecting the general welfare without regard to State
boundary lines; and
Whereas, Much of said distress and hardship could have been
avoided, reduced or guarded against if the "Federal Flood Insurance
Act of 1956" had been properly and adequately implemented at the
time of its original passage; and
Whereas, It is in the common interest of all of the States of this
Nation to support the program of insurance protection provided for
in the "Federal Flood Insurance Act of 1956"; and
Whereas, The President of the United States has stated his ap-
proval of this program and willingness to implement its provisions as
soon as the necessary funds are provided; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland:
1. The Congress of the United States is memorialized to enact the
legislation necessary to fully implement the "Federal Flood Insur-
ance Act of 1956."
2. The Secretary of the State shall transmit forthwith a duly at-
tested copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of the Senate of the
United States, the Clerk of the House of Representatives of the
United States, the Senators from Maryland, and to each member of
the House of Representatives of the United States elected from
Approved May 6, 1963.
No. 38
(House Joint Resolution 75)
House Joint Resolution requesting the Washington Suburban Sani-
tary Commission to undertake surveys in the portion of the Wash-
ington Suburban Sanitary District in Montgomery County of the
need for and the cost of enclosing or covering open storm water or
surface drainage systems, and to submit a report of the result of
said surveys to the Montgomery County Delegation to the General