1904 LAWS OF MARYLAND [CH. 845 Hospital In-Patient Program
General Fund Appropriation for the purchase
of hospital in-patient care in the forty-one
(41) General Hospitals and seven (7) Special
Hospitals listed in the program and perform-
ance statement for individuals whose finan-
cial status is determined by the local Depart-
ment of Public Welfare under policies estab-
lished jointly by the State Department of
Public Welfare and the State Department of
Health; and for the purchase of nursing home
care for patients previously certified by the
Department of Public Welfare for care under
the In-Patient program who are discharged
from one of the listed hospitals prior to De-
partment of Public Welfare's determination
of eligibility for a grant for nursing home
Payments for care rendered in General Hos-
pitals shall be the lesser of billings to other
patients for like services or 80% of each
hospital's verified average per diem cost of
the 1963 fiscal year.
Payments for care rendered in Special Hospi-
tals shall be the lesser of billings to other
patients for like services or 80% of each
hospital's certified average per diem cost of
the 1963 fiscal year, except that in the case
of Eudowood, a Tuberculosis Hospital, pay-
ments shall be the lesser of the average cost
in State-owned Tuberculosis hospitals or 80%
of the verified average per diem cost for the
1963 fiscal year.
Payments for post hospital care in nursing
homes shall be at the rates established by the
Department of Public Welfare grant for
clients with comparable needs.
The State Board of Health and Mental Hygiene
is authorized to promulgate rules and regu-
lations for the operation of this program. In
the event that the Federal Government
makes funds available to the State for hos-
pitalization of the indigent, any part of this
appropriation may be used for matching pur-
poses by mutual consent of the institution
and the State Department of Health.............. 11,119,286
All or part of these appropriations may be
transferred to the State Department of Pub-
lic Welfare by approved budget amendment
in order for the State to be eligible to re-
ceive Federal matching funds for medical
care in the event that the Board of Public
Works deems such action to be desirable;
further, all or any part of these appropria-
tions may be used for such matching pur-
poses; and in the event such transfer of these
appropriations from the State Department