have the power and authority to compel such labor, and shall be
responsible for the safe keep and return to prison of such convicts
to the custody of the sheriff at the end of each day's labor, which
day's labor shall be within the discretion of the officer or other person
so supervising at the time, but shall not exceed ten hours' work or
labor for any day he may be so employed; no prisoner shall be em-
ployed to perform such labor whose health is not in a condition to
allow the same, and the certificate of the physician to the jail shall be
sufficient to excuse such labor.
If any officer or other person having such prisoner in charge for
the performance of such work or labor, connive at or by his wilful
neglect, permit the escape of any such prisoner, he shall be guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon indictment and conviction of such offense
in the Circuit Court for Somerset County be fined not less than
twenty dollars or more than fifty, or be confined in the county jail.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved May 6, 1963.
(House Bill 174)
AN ACT making appropriations for the support of the State Govern-
ment and for the aid of sundry schools and institutions and for
other purposes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That subject to the provisions hereinafter set forth and subject to
the Public General Laws of Maryland relating to the Budget pro-
cedure, the several amounts hereinafter specified, or so much thereof
as shall be sufficient to accomplish the purposes designated, are
hereby appropriated and authorized to be disbursed for salaries,
wages, technical and special fees and all other expenses for the
departments, boards, commissions and officers of the State, and to
the respective schools and institutions, and for the several purposes
specified for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1963, and ending June
30, 1964, as hereinafter indicated.
PUBLIC DEBT Redemption and Interest on State Bonds
Special Fund Appropriation for interest and re-
demption on existing public debt of the State
including contingent interest on loans au-
thorized but not issued, excluding debt serv-
ice, for the General Public School Construc-
tion Loans and for other loans not serviced
by real and personal property taxes.............. 18,161,573