point on the existing boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
District, thence in a generally southerly direction with and along the
existing boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary District
to the point of beginning.
(3) All that area in the Gaithersburg, Clarksburg, Damascus and
Laytonsville Election Districts of Montgomery County lying within
the following described boundaries:
Beginning for the same at a point on the existing boundary of
the Washington Suburban Sanitary District, said point being at the
intersection of the centerline of the Great Seneca Creek with the
southwest right of way line of the Washington National Pike, Inter-
state Route 70 S, thence in a northwesterly direction with the south-
west right of way line of the Washington National Pike, Interstate
Route 70 S, to the southeast line of the Germantown Neelsville,
Road, Md. Route 118, thence in a southwesterly direction with and
along the southeast line of the Germantown Neelsville Road, Md.
Route 118 to a point southwest of, at right angles to and 300 feet
distant from the southeasterly extension of the southwest line of
the unnamed Road, known as Alternate Md. Route 120, thence in a
northwesterly direction, southwest of, parallel to, and 300 feet dis-
tant from the southwest line of said unnamed Road to the center of
Waters Road, Md. Route 120, thence in a westerly direction at right
angles to said Waters Road, Md. Route 120, to a point 300 feet west
of the west line of said Waters Road, Md. Route 120, thence in a
generally northeasterly direction, northwest of, parallel to and 300
feet distant from the northwest line of Waters Road, Md. Route 120
to the center of the Gaithersburg Clarksburg Road, Md. Route 355,
thence in an easterly direction at right angles to said Gaithersburg
Clarksburg Road, Md. Route 355, to a point 300 feet east of the east
line of said Gaithersburg Clarksburg Road, Md. Route 355, thence
in a southerly direction, east of, parallel to and 300 feet distant from
the east line of Gaithersburg Clarksburg Road, Md. Route 355, to
a point 300 feet northwest of and at right angles to the northwest
line of Cedar Grove Road, Md. Route 27, thence in a northerly
direction, west of, parallel to and 300 feet distant from the west line
of the Cedar Grove Road, Md. Route 27, to a point southwest of,
at right angles to and 300 feet distant from the southwest line of
the Kings Valley Road, and known as the Kingstead Road, and being
also a point on the existing boundary of the Washington Suburban
Sanitary Commission Rural Water Area, thence in a generally south-
easterly and southerly direction with and along the existing boundary
of the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission Rural Water
Area to the existing boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary
District, thence in a generally southwesterly direction with and along
the existing boundary of the Washington Suburban Sanitary District
to the point of beginning.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the jurisdiction of the
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission is hereby extended to
include the areas above described and said areas shall be subject to
all the rules and regulations of the Commission and all provisions of
law relating to the Washington Suburban Sanitary District, in-
cluding taxes and other sums or charges levied by the said Commis-
sion in the Sanitary District, except that the Commission shall not
levy any ad valorem tax or front foot benefit assessment within the