[CH. 754
annually on or before April 25 of each year, provided, however, that
whenever the Game and Inland Fish Commission, in the exercising
of its powers and authority, restricts or reduces the number of days
normally allowed for the hunting, taking, capturing, killing, posses-
sion, sale, purchase, shipment, transportation, carriage or export of
any wild bird or wild animal because of an emergency situation or
condition, said Game and Inland Fish Commission shall have the
authority to extend the period aforementioned beyond the days speci-
fied below so as to provide a comparable number of days in any given
season for the hunting, taking, capturing, killing, possession, sale,
purchase, shipment, transportation, carriage or export of any wild
bird or wild animal. The seasons for wild ducks, geese, brant, rail-
birds, woodcock, doves and jacksnipe shall be set annually and pub-
lished each year in order that they may, in the discretion of the
Commission, conform to the federal migratory bird regulations
adopted annually by the Secretary of the Interior.
Kind of Game
Squirrel and wild turkey
[Partridges (quail)
Male English Ringneck, Mon-
golian or melanistic mut-
ant pheasant or any other
imported species, ruffed
grouse, rabbit, or hare
Male deer, with two or more
points to one antler, pro-
vided male deer with an
antler three or more inches
long, with the points
measuring from the top of
the skull as the deer is in
life, bear, antlerless deer.
Open Season
October 5 to October 31, NOVEM-
BER 30, inclusive. Provided fur-
ther, that a landowner residing
on his farmlands, or a tenant, of
said farmlands, may kill any
squirrel if said squirrel is de-
stroying corn on said farmlands
between August 15 and October
1, inclusive. And in Baltimore
City, where squirrels are damag-
ing personal property the owner
or tenant of said property may
kill said squirrel or squirrels at
any time.
November 15 to January 20, FEB-
RUARY 15, inclusive.]
November 15 to January 5, in-
clusive. It shall be unlawful to
hunt any upland game in any
manner in Garrett and Allegany
counties during the open season
for the hunting of deer.
May be hunted, pursued, or killed
for a period of [seven] eight
NINE days beginning the first
[Saturday] Monday THURS-
DAY in December, except
on the Woodmont Rod and
Gun Club in Washington County,
December 15 to December 24,
inclusive, provided, that in coun-
ties having a bow and arrow sea-
son, deer of either sex can be
killed between October 15 and
November 15, by means of a bow
and arrow. Antlerless seasons
may be established in the coun-