that the aforesaid requirement for uniform rates within each class
of property owners shall not preclude the Commission, if it had
determined not to impose a connection charge initially within a
subdistrict for those property owners connecting to water or sewer
mains when the system is first made available for use, from imposing
a connection charge on property owners connecting with said mains
more than six months after the installation of the water or sewer
system within said subdistrict, nor shall it preclude the Commission
from imposing a connection charge greater in amount than that
imposed on property owners connecting with the said system within
six months after its installation in the subdistrict. The amount of
any such connection charge shall be fixed by the Commission and
may be revised by the Commission periodically. All of the revenue
above actual cost derived from such connection charges shall be
credited by the Commission to a special account on its books, from
which expenditures may be made for repairs, replacements or
any extraordinary expense in the maintenance and operation of
the water systems, sewerage systems or surface drainage systems
under its control. When any water main or sewer is declared by
said Commission complete and ready for the delivery of water or
the reception of sewage, every abutting property owner, after due
notice, shall make a connection of all spigots or hydrants, toilets
and waste drains with said water main or sewer within the time
prescribed by the Commission. Where the aforesaid fixtures do not
exist, or are of a nature which, in the judgment of the Commission,
is improper or inadequate, satisfactory equipment shall be installed
by the owner on the premises consisting of at least one water closet
and one sink or washbasin, both of which shall be properly con-
nected with the sewer of said District. All cesspools, sink drains
and privies located on properties connected to sewers provided by
the Commission shall be abandoned, closed and left in a sanitary
condition so that no odor or nuisance shall arise therefrom. Any
violation of the provisions of this section shall be a misdemeanor
punishable under Section 551 of this sub-title.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1963.
Approved April 30, 1963.
(Senate Bill 570)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 139,
152(a), 155, and 162 of Article 11 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land (1957 Edition), title "Banks and Trust Companies", sub-title
"Credit Unions"; and to add new Section 157A to said sub-title, to
follow immediately after Section 157 thereof, enlarging the powers
of credit unions, prescribing certain conditions for the payment of
dividends by credit unions, and providing for the conversion of
state credit unions into federal credit unions.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Sections 139, 152(a), 155 and 162 of Article 11 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Banks and Trust Com-