J. MILLARD TAWES, Governor 1243
require the payment of interest on the money received therefor at
more than five per centum per annum, computed with relation to
the absolute maturity of the bonds in accordance with standard
tables of bond values, excluding, however, from such computation
the amount of any premium to be paid on the redemption of any
bonds prior to maturity. Said bonds shall be issued under the
signature and seal of the District and shall be guaranteed as to
payment of principal and interest by the County, which guarantee
shall be endorsed on each of said bonds in the following language:
"The payment of interest when due and the principal at maturity
is guaranteed by the County Commissioners of Washington County,
Maryland". Such endorsement shall be signed on each of said bonds
by the chief executive officer of the County, with the seal of the
County affixed thereto attested by the signature of the clerk of
the County, within ten days after the bonds are presented by the
Commission to the County for such endorsement. At any time prior
to the issuance of any such bonds the County may, in addition to
sums appropriated under Section 530 (b) of this sub-title, advance
to the Commission such sums as may be necessary to cover the
expense of issuance of such bonds and the expenses incurred under
Section 533 of this sub-title, which shall be treated and repaid as
part of the cost of the project or projects financed with the proceeds
of any such bonds.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That Section 541 of the Code
of Public Local Laws of Washington County (1957 Edition, being
Article 22 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title
"Washington County", sub-title "Sanitary Districts", as said section
was last amended by Chapter 743 of the Laws of Maryland of 1961,
be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
541. The Commission shall provide for each and every property
abutting upon a street or right-of-way in which under this sub-title
a water main or sewer is laid, a water service pipe or sewer con-
nection, which shall be extended as required, from the water main
or sewer to the property line of each such abutting lot. [Said service
pipe or connection with sewer shall be constructed by and at the
expense of the District to be recovered by a reasonable charge by
the District for each such connection which said charge shall be
uniform throughout each subdistrict and shall be paid by each
property owner at the office of the Commission before the actual
connection with any pipe on the property of any such owner is made.
The amount of any such connection charge shall be fixed by the
Commission whenever a water or sewer system is ready for service
on such basis as will at least assure payment of the costs of making
said connections, and may be revised by the Commission annually,
depending on actual costs of doing the work.] Said service pipe or
connection with sewer shall be constructed by and at the expense of
the District to be recovered, if the Commission so elects, by a
reasonable charge by the District for each such connection, which
said charge shall be uniform within each class of property owners
throughout each subdistrict and shall be paid by each property owner
at the office of the Commission before the actual connection with
any pipe on the property of any such owner is made; provided,
however, that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to require
the Commission to impose a connection charge; provided, further,