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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 96   View pdf image
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(72) 96

This Indenture made the Tenth day of November in the year of our
of Talbot County of the one part, and Thomas fforde of Kent County of
of Land called Ashton Containeing Three Hundred Acres of Land more or
int to the patten Betweene them the said Robert Smith and Thomas
Parties that the said Thomas fforde and his Heires or his assignes shall
That is to say to begin at the ffirst Tree and run East One Hundred Per
by and with Ripley to the first beginning Containeing One Hundred
appurtenances thereunto belonging Royall mines Excepted Seventy and
the same Tract being ffords part of the same tract In Wittness where
the Day and year ffirst above written
Sealed and delivered in prsence of
      Solomon Wright             The above Indenture
                                as followeth vidzt
Jno Hynson                 9br 28:1705 Then Came
                                & acknowledged the wth

Maryland Is/
      This Indenture made the Tenth Day of November
George Vanderford of Kent County of the one part and Robert Smith of
valuable consideration to him in hand paid before the sealeing and
himselfe therewith and of Every part and parcell thereof fully satisfied
him the said Robert Smith his Heires Executrs administratrs and
him thereunto more Especially moveing hath given granted and by
him and his Heires for ever unto him the said Robert Smith his Heires
moety of a Tract of Land called Ashton Containeing one Hundred and
Kent County butted and bounded according to the former sales hereto
of Land Together with all the rights Profitts Priviledges Benefitts
belonging Royall mines Excepted unto him the said Robert Smith
acquitted Exonerated and Discharged of and from all other and
Judgements Executions Seisures rents and arrearages of rents The
Chiefe Lord or Lords of the ffees or ffees only Excepted and foreprized
to and with the said Robert Smith his Heires and his assignes &
George now have good right full power and authority to grant
tenances and doth further obliege himselfe and his Heires
to save defend and keep harmles him the said Robert Smith his
Claimeing shall and will forever warrant and Defend Save and
Robert Smith his Heires or his assignes for ever; and further
Heires or his assignes or his Councell Learned in the Law he
any further assurance or assurances Conveyance or Convey
and Conveing the same In Wittness whereof we have herewith
year first above written
On the Backside was written
Sealed and Delivered in prsence of    The above Deed
                                   backsid as followeth
         Jno Hynson              November 28th 1705
         Solomon Wright              George Vanderford in
                                   the within Deed to


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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 96   View pdf image
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