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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 89   View pdf image
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(65) 89

the ffourth year of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the
Defender of the faith &ca and in the year of our Lord Christ one
County in the Province of maryland Planter and ffranceas his wife
Province aforesd on the other part Wittnesseth that the sd Christopher
to him in hand paid or secured to be paid by him the sd Christopher Spry
sd Charles doth hereby acknowledge and confess and thereof and of
Discharge the sd Christopher his Heires Executrs admrs and Every of them
erations him the sd Charles Especially thereunto moveing hath given
doth fully freely and absolutely Give Grant Bargaine Sell Aliene
for ever One Hundred Acres of Land part of a Tract or Plantation bought
the aforesd one Hundred Acres to the sd Charles ffloyde Scituate Lyeing
Unicorn Branch the whole Tract Containeing ffive Hundred Acres
beginning at a marked Pockhickery standing by a branch being the
Shepherd and Called the Shepherds ffolds being also the ffirst Bounded
perches, and then west and by north Three Hundred and Twenty Perches
then East and by South with yd sd land Three Hundred Perches and
acres of Land To have and to hould the aforesd psell of Land
Gardens Orchards and all other the appurtenances thereunto belonging
and assignes for ever free and Cleare and freely and clearely from all
of and from all former Claimes Gifts Grants Sales Leases or forfetures
due and payable to the Chiefe Lord or Lords of the ffee or ffees Excepted
selfe and his Heires Covenant grant and agree to and with the sd Christopher Spry
these prsents that the forementioned prmises together with all and every
whatsoever and farther the sd Charles ffloyde do by these prsents Bind
harmless the sd Christopher Spry his Heires and assignes against all manner
these prsents quitt Claime freely and fully release all ye right
or of right might or ought by any wayes or meanes to have is wholely
assignes foever to his and their only proper use and behoofe forever; and
nant and agree to and with him the sd Christopher Spry his Heires and
ed and Suffered all such farther assurance or assurances Conveyance
Heirs and assignes or his or their Councell Learned in the Law shall
the parties above named to this prsent Indenture have sett their
                               Charles [mark] ffloyde {seal}>br>

allsoe was Endorsed thus     ffrances [mark] ffloyde {seal}
thin Charles ffloyd in open court
acknowledged The within Deed to and for the uses
in mencon, allso ffrances his wife being Examd
ing to Law owne the same & pray it might be Record
the Records of Kent County
Recorded p Lumley Clk


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Kent County Bonds, Indentures, and Land Records, 1694-1707
Volume 669, Page 89   View pdf image
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