Bena Pecke prosecute Char: Hollinsworth Junr
at suite Daniel Smith by vertue of ye wthin
letter of attry Y for yor soe Doeing this shall be
yor wartt June ye 20th (1704)
fflower Walker
To Benjam Pecke
one of ye attrys of p Lumley Clk
Kent Co: Court this
Kent Is Benjamin Pecke one of ye attrys of sd Court
these are to Impower yu to appr for me ads suite
of Patrick Creagh a plea of Tr: Ca: & Doe
therein what ye shall think most requisite
and for yor soe Doeing this shall be yor
Wartt Dated august ye 22: 1704
P PerDriavers Denis [mark] Nowland
p Lumley Clk
Thomas Weyatt comes & prayes that
his mark of cattle & Hoggs may be
recorded as alsoe his brand are as
followeth his brand J:W his mark
a Cropp & two slitts in ye right Eare
& an under Keele & a hole in ye left
p Lumley Clk
Mary Morgan Daughter of Andrew &
Mary Morgan borne ye 11th Day of Janry
1694 A true copy from ye register of
St Paul's parrish on ye north side of
Chester River p George Worsley regr
p Lumley Clk
Kent County
in Maryland
Whereas we the subscribers are Inform'd
by Mary Cualk ye relict of Isaak Caulk
late of said county Deceased yt some psons
in ye Kingdome of England hath & Doth wthhold
Divers Rights profitts & Sums of money from ye sd
Mary Caulk under a p'tence of ye said Mary's not
be my Daughter & heir to a Certaine ffrancis
ffinch late of sd County Deceased &ce
These therefore are to Certifie yt the aforesd
Mary Caulk relict as aforesd is ye Daughter
& heire of of ye afsd ffrancis ffinch & there is
noe other Issue Surviving but three children
of Joyce Rumneys Sister to ye sd Mary Caulk
make out wch