(76) 100
And Lastly it is Covenanted and fully agreed upon by and Betweene
these prsents that all Deeds, fines, feoffements, recoveryes and Assur
Betweene the sd Partyes to these prsents touching or Concerning
to be in rere to ye onely proper use & behoofe of the sd George
and purpose. In Wittness whereof the Party above named have
Sealed & delivered
in prsence of The above Deed was
as followeth vidzt
Solomon Wright November 28th
1705 Then Came ye
Jno Hynson Smith into
open Court & acknow
Deed to be & for ye uses within
This may Certifie all whome it may concern
That the Pinke Adventure now rideing in
Chester river doe take in Tobacco on fraight
att fourteen pounds pr Tunn
Wm Elles Master
May 3d 1706
Recorded May 6th 1706 p Lumley Clk
to be pd p Mr Scott
This Indenture made the Thirtyeth Day of August In the year
Marsh and Rachell his wife the Heir of William Rogers deceased
venia of the other part Wittnesseth that the said Robert Marsh[illegible]
Pounds sterl to him in hand paid before ye insealeing and Delivery
the receipt whereof I the sd Robert Marsh doth acquit and
Now for divers Causes and Considerations him the said Robert Marsh
sell allienate Enfeoffe and Confirm from him the said Robert Marsh
assignes for ever: all that Tract of Land according to these Bounds
parcell of Land out for Andrew Skinner and Nathaniell Evett and
then south west for Length Two Hundred ffifty six perches from thence
Line from the ffirst Bounded tree Containeing and laid out for Three
knowne by the name of prowicy sittuated on the south west branch
of Land but since one Hundred sould to John Porl and Three Acres
Three Hundred and inety seven acres of Land according to Computation
appurtinces thereunto belonging to the only use and benefit of the
it is cleare from all other gifts grants Bargains Sales forfites
his wife and free from all rents : The rents that shall hereafter sh---
Excepted and all other Incumbrances whatsoever; and doth by these
manner of Persons whatsomever Lawfully Claimeing by from
acto or procurement and the said Robert Marsh doth obliege
Councell in the Law shall advise or revise at any time what
these Presence Provided the said Robert is not required to go --
Steven Nowell being at all the Cost: and to the true Confirm
set their hands and fixed their Seales the Day and year first
Robert Marsh aforesaid doth constute and ordaine my trusty and
and make over to Steven Nowell according to Law this Deed
Signed Sealed and Delivered Which Deed was
in the Presance of us Kent Is) Aug ye 28th
Hugh Marsh
Robt Marsh came into open
John Wood
wth Deed anx to anx for ye uses --
upon his test & Jno
Wood upon
Sold by the ffree will &
amt Desired yt
[illegible] acknow
her behoof