46 Constitution of the [Art. 4.
disqualification of any Judge of other Circuit Courts of
this State, to hear and determine the same, but in case of
such disqualification, the parties thereto may, by consent,
appoint a person to try the same; and the parties to any
Trial without
cause may submit the same to the Court for determination
without the aid of a jury.
Removal of cases.
2 Md. 274.
5 Md.370.
6 Md. 449.
1852, ch. 169.
do. 315.
1854, ch. 325.
Sec. 9. The Judge or Judges of any Court of this
State, except the Court of Appeals, shall order and direct
the record of proceedings in any suit or action, issue or
petition, presentment or indictment pending in such Court,
to be transmitted to some other Court in the same or any
adjoining Circuit having jurisdiction in such cases, when-
ever any party to such cause, or the counsel of any party
shall make it satisfactorily appear to the Court that such
party cannot have a fair and impartial trial in the Court in
which such suit or action, issue or petition, presentment or
indictment is pending; and the General Assembly shall
make such modifications of existing law as may be neces-
sary to regulate and give force to this provision.
Judges to appoint
Sec. 10. The Judge or Judges of any Court may ap-
point such officers for their respective Courts, as may be
found necessary, and it shall be the duty of the General
Assembly to prescribe by law a fixed compensation for all
such officers.
Citizen may try
his own case.
Sec. 11. Every person being a citizen of the United
States shall be permitted to appear to and try his own
case in all the Courts of this State.
Detaining Slaves.
Sec. 12. Any person who shall, after this Constitution
shall have gone into effect, detain in slavery any person
emancipated by the provisions of this Constitution, shall,
on conviction be fined not less than five hundred dollars
nor more than five thousand dollars, or be imprisoned not
more than five years; and any of the Judges of this State
shall discharge, on Habeas Corpus, any person so detained
in slavery.
Clerks to keep
Records, &c.
Sec. 13. The Clerks of the several Courts created or
continued by this Constitution, shall have charge and
custody of the Records and other papers, shall perform all