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The Constitution of the State of Maryland, 1864
Volume 666, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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26                     Constitution of the           [Art. 2.

or under any law of the State, shall within thirty days after
this Constitution shall have gone into effect take and sub-
scribe the oath or affirmation set forth in the Seventh
Section of this Article, and if any such person shall fail to
take said oath his office shall be ipso facto vacant. And
every person hereafter elected or appointed to office in this
State, who shall refuse or neglect to take the oath or
affirmation of office provided for in the said Seventh Sec-
tion of this Article shall be considered as having refused
to accept the said office, and a new election or appointment
shall be made as in case of refusal to accept or resignation
of an office. And any person swearing or affirming falsely
in the premises shall, on conviction thereof in a court of
law, incur the penalties for willful and corrupt perjury, and
thereafter shall be incapable of holding any office of profit
or trust in this State.



Governor's term
of office.

Section 1. The Executive power of the State shall be
vested in a Governor, whose term of office shall commence
on the second Wednesday of January next ensuing his
election, and continue for four years, and until his successor
shall have qualified, but the Governor chosen at the first
election under this Constitution shall not enter upon the
discharge of the duties of the office until the expiration of
the term for which the present incumbent was elected,
unless the said office shall become vacant by death, resigna-
tion, removal from the State, or other disqualification of
said incumbent.

Time, place, and
manner of electing

Sec. 2. An election for Governor under this Constitution
shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of
November, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four,
and on the same day and month in every fourth year there-
after, at the places of voting for delegates to the General


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The Constitution of the State of Maryland, 1864
Volume 666, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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