Art. 1.] State of Maryland. 25
laws made pursuant thereto, before he shall enter upon the
duties of such office, shall take and subscribe the following
oath or affirmation: I,_____, do swear, (or affirm, as the
case may be) that I will, to the best of my skill and judg-
ment, diligently and faithfully, without partiality or preju-
dice, execute the office of _____, according to the Constitution
and laws of this State, and that since the fourth day of
July, in the year eighteen hundred and fifty-one, I have
not in any manner violated the provisions of the present,
or of the late Constitution, in relation to the bribery of
voters, or preventing legal votes or procuring illegal votes
to be given (and if a Governor, Senator, Member of the
House of Delegates, or Judge), that I will not, directly or
indirectly, receive the profits or any part of the profits of
any other office during the term of my acting as _____. I I
1852, ch. 172.
1854, ch. 18.
4 Md. 189.
do further swear or affirm, that I will bear true allegiance
to the State of Maryland, and support the Constitution and
Laws thereof, and that I will bear true allegiance to the
United States, and support, protect and defend the Con-
stitution, Laws and Government thereof, as the supreme
law of the land, any law or ordinance of this or any State,
to the contrary, notwithstanding; that I have never di-
rectly or indirectly, by word, act or deed, given any aid,
comfort, or encouragement to those in rebellion against the
United States, or the lawful authorities thereof; but that
I have been truly and loyally on the side of the United
States against those in armed rebellion against the United
States; and I do further swear or affirm that I will to the
best of my abilities protect and defend the Union of the
United States, and not allow the same to be broken up and
dissolved, or the Government thereof to be destroyed,
under any circumstances, if in my power to prevent it;
and that I will at all times discountenance and oppose all
political combinations having for their object such dissolu-
tion or destruction.
Sec. 8. Every person holding any office of trust or profit
under the late Constitution, or under any law of this State,
and who shall be continued in office under this Constitution,
Officers under late
Constitution to
take oath.