Proclamation by the Governor. 11
be for the adoption of said Constitution it should go into effect on the first day
of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-four.
And Whereas, The elections as provided for were held in the said counties of
the State and the city of Baltimore, and in the said military companies in the
service of the United States.
And Whereas, The results of the said elections have been duly certified to me
by the proper judges of the said several elections, and upon accurately counting
and casting up the votes so returned to me for and against the said Constitution,
including the soldiers' vote aforesaid, it doth appear that there were 30,174 bal-
lots for the Constitution, 29,799 ballots against the Constitution, and that there
were 61 blank ballots, and that there were thirty-three ballots reported as given
against the Constitution, but not counted, the persons offering them refusing to
take the oath required by said Constitution; and there being therefore, of the
aggregate vote so cast, a majority in favor of the adoption of said Constitution�
Now, therefore, I, Augustus W. Bradford, Governor of the State of
Maryland, in pursuance of the authority so vested in me by the said Act of
Assembly and the Constitution aforesaid, do, by this my proclamation, declare
and make known that the said Constitution and Form of Government so framed
and adopted by the Convention aforesaid, has been adopted by a majority of the
voters of the State, and that, in pursuance of the provision therein contained,
the same will go into effect as the proper Constitution and Form of Government
of this State, superseding the one now existing, on the first day of November
Given under my hand and the great seal of the State
of Maryland, at the city of Annapolis, on the 29th
day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and sixty-four.
By the Governor:
Wm. B. Hill, Secretary of State.