Proclamation by the Governor.
State of Maryland,
Executive Department
Whereas, By an Act of the General Assembly of Maryland, passed at January
Session, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-four, entitled "An Act to pro-
vide for the taking of the sense of the people upon the call of a Convention to
frame a new Constitution and Form of Government for this State, to provide
for an election of Delegates to said Convention, and the assembling thereof," it
is provided that the Constitution and Form of Government adopted by the said
Convention, as aforesaid, "shall be submitted to the legal and qualified voters
of the State, for their adoption or rejection, at such time, in such manner, and
subject to such rules and regulations as said Convention may prescribe."
And Whereas, It is further provided by said Act, "that when the Governor
shall receive the returns of the number of ballots cast in this State for the adop-
tion or rejection of the Constitution submitted by the Convention to the people,
if, upon counting and casting up the returns as made to him, as herein before
prescribed, it shall appear that a majority of the legal votes cast at said election
are in favor of the adoption of the said Constitution, he shall issue his procla-
mation to the people of the State declaring the fact, and he shall take such steps
as shall be required by the said Constitution to carry the same into full opera-
tion, and to supersede the old Constitution of this State."
And Whereas, In pursuance of said Act and of a vote of a majority of the
people of the State, taken in conformity to its provisions, and in favor of the
assembling of said Convention, that body did convene at the city of Annapolis,
on the day appointed by said Act, and did on the sixth day of September last
adopt a new Constitution and Form of Government, and did therein direct that
the same should be submitted for the adoption or rejection of the people of the
State at an election to be held in the several counties of the State and the city
of Baltimore for that purpose, at a certain time therein specified; and did also
therein provide that an election should be held likewise for a similar purpose
"in each Company of every Maryland Regiment in the service of the United
States or of this State."
And Whereas, By said Constitution it was further provided that the Governor,
upon receiving the result of said elections, and ascertaining the aggregate vote
throughout the State, including the soldiers' vote aforesaid, should by his
proclamation make known the same, and if a majority of the votes cast should