THURSDAY, January 7th, 1858.
The House met. On the call of the roll, the following mem-
bers were present:
Messrs. Berry, Morgan, Neale, Wickes, Meginnis,
Tongue, Mackubin, Kilbourne, Griffiss, Magruder, Burgess, Stone-
street, Walker, Allender, Ford, of Balt. co., Lynch, of Balt. co.,
Smith, of Balt. co., Clarke, Goldsborough, Waller, Moore, Sudler,
of Somerset, Tilghman, Dail, Richardson, Grieves, Ford, of Cecil,
Davis, Kidd, Belt, Wyville, Contee, Larrimore, Sudler, of Queen
Anne's, Landing, Spence, Hearn, Thomas, Harding, Bowlus,
Root, Koons, Hobbs, Hanway, Bacon, Baker, Todd, McGonigal,
tiding, Rogers, McPherson, Smith, of Balt. co., Kennard, Lynch,
of Balt. city, Harrington, Crowley, Forrest, Alexander, Rohrer,
Summers, Gray, Schnebly, Duvall, Worthington, Kilgour, Bar-
nard, Thrusn, Mountz, McKinstry, Reindollar, Day, Welling,
On motion of Mr. Alexander,
The House proceeded to the election of Speaker.
John Summerfield Berry, of Baltimore county, and Washing-
ton Duvall, of Montgomery county, being put in nomination, for
the office of Speaker of the House of Delegates, and the ballots
being taken, and counted by Messrs. Harrington and Golds-
borough, tellers, it appeared that there had been seventy-two bal-
lots taken, of which John Summerfield Berry, received forty-
,three votes, and Washington Duvall, twenty-eight votes, one
blank ballot being cast.
Whereupon, the Honorable John Summerfield Berry, was de-
clared duly elected Speaker of the House of Delegates.
On motion of Mr. Stirling,
The oath required by the Constitution, was then duly adminis-
tered to Mr. Berry, Speaker elect, by Mr. Dail, of Dorchester
. county, temporary Chairman.
The members were then severally qualified by the Speaker, in
presence of each other, agreeably to the Constitution and form of
Mr. Magruder offered the following order:
Ordered, That Vaughan Smith, of Somerset county, be, and
he is hereby appointed Chief Clerk of this House ;
Which was adopted.
Mr. Hobbs offered the following order :
Ordered, That James W. Clayton of Cecil county, be and he
is hereby appointed Reading Clerk of the House of Delegates,
and that Martin F. Sefton, of Frederick county, Jerome B. Brum-
baugh, of Washington county, J. S. Tongue, of Calvert county,
Skipiorth C. Gorrell, of Harford county, and John Bunting, of Balti-