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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 47   View pdf image
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1858.] OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES.            47

On motion of Mr. Belt,                                                 

Leave was granted to the committee on the Judiciary, to in-
troduce a bill to alter and amend and reduce into one, all the
existing acts in reference to the law of attachment, and to sim-
plify the same.

On motion of Mr. Harrington,

Leave was granted to the committee on the Judiciary, to report
a bill to make valid a deed from Richard Bowen.

Mr. Harrington reported a bill entitled, an act for the division
of the city of Baltimore into wards and fix the number of mem-
bers of the city council, justices of the peace, and constables, un-
der said division.

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Baltimore
city delegation.

Mr. Harrington reported a bill entitled, an act better to regulate
the returns of elections for municipal offices in the city of Balti-

Which was read the first time, and referred to the Baltimore
city delegation.

Mr. Harrington reported a bill entitled, an act for the benefit
of Catharine Westel, widow of Robert Pintle, a soldier of the
Maryland Line, during the Revolution.

Which was read the first time, and referred to the committee
on Pensions.

Mr. Harrington reported a bill relating to foreign corporations
and their agencies.

Which was read the first time, and referred to the committee
on the Judiciary.

Mr. McPherson from the committee on Corporations, reported
a bill entitled, an act further supplemental to the act of 1852,
chap. 317, entitled, an act to incorporate the Santa Clara Mining
Association of Baltimore, and to amend the said act of Incorpo-
ration, so as to allow the President and Directors of said Associ-
ation to assess the shares of capital stock in said Association.

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Harrington reported a bill entitled, an act to make valid
a deed from Richard Bowen,

Which was read the first time.

Mr. Wickes, reported a bill entitled, an act to authorize the
Reed Rifle Corps of the twenty-first regiment of Maryland, militia
to erect an armory over the market house in Chestertown, or on
the public grounds near the court house;


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Proceedings and Documents of the House, 1858
Volume 665, Page 47   View pdf image
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