EVENING SESSION, 7½ o'clock. P. M.
The House met.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members ;
Messrs. Berry, Speaker, Morgan, Neale, Wickes, Meginnis,
Tongue, Mackubin, Kilbourn, Griffiss, Magruder, Burgess,
Walker, Allender, Ford, of Balt. co., Goldsborough, Waller,
Moore, Sudler, of Somerset, Tilghman, Dail, Richardson,
Grieves, Davis, Ford, of Cecil, Kidd, Belt, Wyville, Contee,
Larrimore, Sudler, of Queen Anne's, Landing, Spence, Hearn,
Harding, Bowlus, Root, Hobbs, Hanway, Bacon, Baker.
McGonigal, Stirling, Rogers, McPherson, Smith, of Baltimore
city, Kennard, Lynch, of Baltimore city, Harrington, Crowley,
Forrest, Alexander, Rohrer, Summers, Gray, Schnebly,
Riddlemoser, Duvall, Worthington, Thruston, Barnard,
Mountz, McKinstry, Reindollar, Day, Welling.
On motion of Mr. Allender,
The rules were suspended, and he presented a petition
from one hundred working men of Clipper, Woodbury and
Washington Factories, in Baltimore county, for the opening
of Green Spring Avenue ;
Which was read, and ordered to lie on the table; also,
Presented a petition from eighty-five working men in Poole
& Hurst's Factory in Baltimore county, for the opening of
Green Spring Avenue;
Which was read, and ordered to lie on the table.
The House resumed the consideration of the bill entitled,
an act to incorporate the Green Spring Avenue Company ;
Mr. Landing demanded the previous question on the amend-
ment proposed by Mr. Rogers ;
The question then being "shall the main question be now
It was determined in the affirmative.
The question then recurring on the amendment;
It was rejected.
Mr. Rogers proposed the following amendments:
At the beginning of the line section 11, insert the follow-
ing words: "or in fruit trees."
Which was rejected.
Add section 14. "And be it enacted that this act shall not
be of any force and virtue in law, and be utterly null and
void, unless the commissioners of Baltimore county shall
first decide that the construction of the road, provided for in
this act between the termini mentioned in this act, is necessary
for the public convenience;''