ing intergovernmental authorities and popu-
larly elected representative regional gov-
ernments, shall consist of all or part of two
or more counties. The General Assembly may
provide by law for the establishment, merger,
or dissolution of multi-county governmental
units, or for the alteration of their bounda-
ries, or for the powers they may exercise.
The General Assembly may provide for ref-
erenda on any of these laws pertaining to a
popularly elected representative regional gov-
Section 7.09. Financing of Intergovernmental
The General Assembly by law or a popu-
larly elected representative local government
by law may grant to an intergovernmental
authority the power to impose and to collect
service or benefit charges, to borrow money,
and to collect taxes imposed by the General
Assembly or by the popularly elected repre-
sentative local government, but may not
grant the power to impose taxes.
Section 1. Except as provided elsewhere
Section 7.05. Existing Municipal Corpora-
in this Article, the General Assembly shall
not pass any law relating to the incorpo-
ration, organization, government, or affairs
of those municipal corporations, which are
not authorized by Article 11 -A of the Con-
stitution to have a charter form of govern-
ment which will be special or local in
its terms or in its effect, but the General
Assembly shall act in relation to the incor-
Municipal corporation shall mean an in-
corporated city, town, or village, but shall
not include Baltimore City or any other
county. Municipal corporations existing at
the effective date of this Constitution may
not be merged or dissolved or have their
boundaries altered or have their existing
powers withdrawn, without the consent of
poration, organization, government, or af-
fairs of any such municipal corporation
only by general laws which shall in their
terms and in their effect apply alike to all
the governing bodies of the county and the
municipal corporations affected, or except as
the General Assembly may prescribe by law.
municipal corporations in one or more of
Section 7.06. New Municipal Corporations
the classes provided for in Section 2 of this
and Intracounty Governmental Units.
Article. It shall be the duty of the General
Assembly to provide by Law the method
by which new municipal corporations shall
A county may provide by law for the crea-
tion of new municipal corporations and
other units of local government comprising a
be formed.
part of the area of the county and by law
may grant to and withdraw from them any
and all powers of the county, subject to any
procedures and standards that the General
Assembly may prescribe by law.
Sec. 2. The General Assembly, by Law,
shall classify all such municipal corporations
by grouping them into not more than four
classes based on populations as determined
by the most recent census made under the
authority of the United States or the State
of Maryland. No more than one such group-