No land or property taken by the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore for any of
the aforementioned purposes or in connec-
tion with the exercise of any of the powers
which may be granted to the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore pursuant to this
Article by exercising the power of eminent
domain, shall be taken without just com-
pensation, as agreed upon between the
parties, or awarded by a jury, being first
paid or tendered to the party entitled to
such compensation.
All land or property needed, or taken by
the exercise of the power of eminent domain,
by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
for any of the aforementioned purposes or
in connection with the exercise of any of
the powers which may be granted to the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore pur-
suant to this Article is hereby declared to
be needed or taken for a public use.
Sec. 2. The General Assembly of Mary-
land may grant to the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore any and all additional
power and authority necessary or proper
to carry into full force and effect any and
all of the specified powers which the
General Assembly is authorized to grant
to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more pursuant to this Article and to fully
accomplish any and all of the purposes
and objects contemplated by the provisions
of this Article, provided such additional
power or authority is not inconsistent with
the terms and provisions of this Article or
with any other provision or provisions of
the Constitution of Maryland. The General
Assembly may place such other and further
restrictions or limitations on the exercise
of any of the powers which it may grant
to the Mayor and City Council of Balti-
more under the provisions of this Article
as it may deem proper and expedient.
Sec. 3. Provided, however, that no
public local law enacted under the provi-
sions and authority of this Article shall be
enacted or construed to authorize the Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore to exercise
or apply any of the powers or authority
in this Article enumerated within the ter-
ritorial limits of Howard County.
Section 7.08. Establishment of Multi-County
Governmental Units.
Multi-county governmental units, includ-