successor shall thereafter be elected, as in
a case of vacancy.
Sec. 7. From and after the adoption of
For the provisions of the proposed constitu-
this Constitution) no debt (except as here-
tion applicable to the structure and powers
inafter excepted), shall be created by the
of the local government of Baltimore City,
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore; nor
see "Article 7, Local Government"
shall the credit of the Mayor and City
Council of Baltimore be given, or loaned
to, or In aid of any individual, association,
or corporation; nor shall the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore have the power
to involve the City of Baltimore in the con-
struction of works of internal improvement,
nor in granting any aid thereto, which
shall involve the faith and credit of the city,
nor make any appropriation therefor, un-
less such debt or credit be authorized by
an Act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, and by an ordinance of the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, submitted to
the legal voters of the City of Baltimore,
at such time and place as may be fixed by
said ordinance., and approved by a majority
of the votes cast at such time and place;
such ordinance shall provide for the dis-
charge of any such debt or credit within
the period of forty (40) years from the
time of contracting the same; but the Mayor
and City Council may, temporarily, bor-
row any amount of money to meet any
deficiency in the City Treasury, and may
borrow any amount at any time to provide
for any emergency arising from the neces-
sity of maintaining the police, or pre-
serving the health, safety and sanitary
condition of the City, and may make due
and proper arrangements and agreements
for the renewal and extension, in whole
or in part, of any and all debts and obliga-
tions created according to law before the
adoption of this Constitution.
See. 8. All Laws and Ordinances, now
For the provisions of the proposed constitu-
in force, applicable to the City of Baltimore,
tion applicable to the structure and powers
not inconsistent with this Article, shall be,
and they are hereby continued until changed
of the local government of Baltimore City,
see "Article 7, Local Government"
in due course of Law.
Sec. 9. The General Assembly may make
For the provisions of the proposed constitu-
such changes in this Article, except in
tion applicable to the structure and powers
Section seventh thereof, as it may deem best;
of the local government of Baltimore City,
and this Article shall not be so construed, or
see "Article 7, Local Government."
taken at to make the political Corporation
of Baltimore independent of, or free from
the control, which the General Assembly
of Maryland has over all such Corporations
in this Statee.