days. The governor may convene a special
session of the General Assembly at any time
and shall convene a special session upon the
written request of three-fifths of all the
members of each house. The governor may,
on extraordinary occasions, convene the Sen-
ate by proclamation, stating the purpose for
which he has convened it. The presiding of-
ficer of the Senate and the presiding officer
of the House of Delegates, acting concurrent-
ly, may convene a special session of the Gen-
eral Assembly at any time.
Art. 13. That every man hath a right
See Section 1.01, Freedom of Expression, p.
to petition the Legislature for the redress
of grievances in a peaceable and orderly
Art. 14. That no aid, charge, tax,
Section 6.01. Power to Tax.
burthen or fees ought to be rated or levied,
Taxes shall be imposed only for public
under any pretence, without the consent
purposes and only by the elected representa-
of the Legislature.
tives of the people exercising legislative pow-
Art. 15. That the levying of taxes by
Section 6.03. Assessments.
the poll is grievous and oppressive, and
Assessments with respect to any tax shall
ought to be prohibited; that paupers ought
be made pursuant to uniform rules and pur-
not to be assessed for the support of the
suant to classifications of property, taxpayers,
Government; that the General Assembly
and events prescribed by law, which classes
shall, by uniform rules, provide for the
shall include agricultural property as defined
separate assessment, classification and sub-
by the General Assembly by law.
classification of land, improvements on land
and personal property, as it may deem
Section 6.04. Equalization.
proper; and all taxes thereafter provided
The State shall prescribe and administer
to be levied by the State for the support
uniform rules and methods for determining
of the general State Government, and by the
property tax assessments. State funds distrib-
Counties and by the City of Baltimore for
uted to units of local government on the ba-
their" respective purposes, shall be uniform
sis of assessments of property shall be deter-
within each class or sub-class of land, im-
mined by assessments equalized among those
provements on land and personal property
units, as prescribed by the General Assembly
which the respective taxing powers may
by law.
have directed to be subjected to the tax
levy; yet fines, duties or taxes may properly
Section 6.05. Exemptions.
and justly be imposed, or laid with a
Exemptions with respect to any tax im-
political view for the good government and
posed by the State shall be made pursuant to
benefit of the community.
uniform rules within classes of property, tax-
payers, or events.
Art. 16. That sanguinary Laws ought
Section 1.11. Unusual Punishments.
to be avoided as far as it is consistent
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor
with the safety of the State; and no Law
excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and un-
to inflict cruel and unusual pains and
usual punishments inflicted. Conviction of
penalties ought to be made in any case,
crime shall not work corruption of blood or
or at any time, hereafter.
forfeiture of estate.
Art. 17. That retrospective Laws, pun-
Section 1.15. Ex Post Facto Laws.
ishing acts committed before the existence
No bill of attainder, or ex post facto law,
of such Laws, and by them only declared
or law impairing the obligation of contracts