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each other; and no person exercising the

consist of two houses, the Senate and the

functions of one of said Departments shall

House of Delegates.

assume or discharge the duties of any other.

Section 4.01. Executive Power.

The executive power of the State shall be

vested in the governor, who shall faithfully

execute the laws.

Section 5.01. Judicial Power.

The judicial power of the State shall be

vested exclusively in a unified judicial system

composed of the Court of Appeals, the In-

termediate Appellate Court, the Superior

Court, and the District Court.

Art. 9. That no power of suspending

Laws or the execution of Laws, unless by,

or derived from the Legislature, ought to

be exercised, or allowed.

Art. 10. That freedom of speech and

Section 1.01. Freedom of Expression.

debate, or proceedings in the Legislature,
ought not to be impeached in any Court
of Judicature.

The people shall have the right peaceably
to assemble and to petition the government
for a redress of grievances. Freedom of the

p'ress and freedom of speech shall not be

abridged, each person remaining responsible

for abuse of those rights.

Section 3.14. Immunity.

Words used by a member of the General

Assembly in any of its proceedings, including

the proceedings of any committees and sub-

committees, shall be absolutely privileged,

and a member shall not be liable therefor in

any civil action or criminal prosecution.

Art. 11. That Annapolis be the place

Section 3.02. State Capital.

of meeting of the Legislature; and the

The capital of the State and the meeting

Legislature ought not to be convened, or
held at any other place but from evident

place of the General Assembly shall be at


Art. 12. That for redress of grievances,

Section 3.15. Sessions.

and for amending, strengthening and pre-
serving the Laws, the Legislature ought to
be frequently convened.

The General Assembly may provide by law
for an organizational session prior to the
convening of the regular session. The Gener-

al Assembly shall convene in regular session

on the third Wednesday of January of each

year, unless otherwise prescribed by law, and

may continue in session for a period not

longer than ninety days; provided that by

the affirmative vote of a majority of the

members of each house a regular session may

be extended for a period not longer than

thirty days, and that by the affirmative vote

of three-fifths of the members of each house

a regular session may be extended a second

time for a period not longer than thirty



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