(3) If the vacancy occurs in a district or
subdistrict which has boundaries comprising
a portion or all of two or more counties,
the State Central Committee of each county
involved shall have one vote for submitting
the name of a resident of the district or
subdistrict; and if there is a tie vote between
or among the State Central Committees,
the list of names there proposed shall be
submitted to the Governor, and he shall
make the appointment from the list.
Sec. 14. The General Assembly shall
See Section 3.15, Sessions, p. 3.
meet on the third Wednesday of January,
nineteen hundred and sixty-five, and on the
same day in every year thereafter, and at
no other time, unless convened by Proclam-
ation of the Governor.
Sec. 15. The General Assembly may
Section 3.12. Compensation.
continue its session so long as in its judg-
A member of the General Assembly shall
ment the public interest may require, for
receive the salary and allowances prescribed
a period not longer than seventy days in
by law. A salary increase enacted during one
each year; and on and after January 1,
term of office shall not become effective be-
1965, each member thereof shall receive a
fore the next term. No senator or delegate
compensation of twenty-four hundred dol-
lars ($2,400.00), per annum, payable
quarterly, with a deduction of fifteen dol-
shall be paid daily living expenses during
regular sessions of the General Assembly.
lars ($15.00) per diem for each day of
unexcused absence from any session; and
he shall also receive such mileage as may
be allowed by law, not exceeding twenty
cents per mile; and the presiding officers
of each House shall receive an additional
compensation of two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250.00) per annum. When the
General Assembly shall be convened by
Proclamation of the Governor, the session
shall not continue longer than thirty days,
but no additional compensation other than
mileage and other allowances provided by
Law shall be paid members of the General
Assembly for special session.
Sec. 16. No book, or other printed mat-
ter not appertaining to the business of the
session, shall be purchased, or subscribed
for, for the use of the members of the
General Assembly, or be distributed among
them, at the public expense.
Sec. 17. No Senator or Delegate, after
Section S.13. Limitation on Appointment.
qualifying as such, notwithstanding he may
No person elected or appointed to the
thereafter resign, shall during the whole
period of time, for which he was elected,
General Assembly shall be appointed, during
the term of office for which he was elected or
be eligible to any office, which shall have
appointed, to any office which has been
been created, or the salary, or profits of
created, or for which the compensation has
which shall have been increased, during
been increased, by the General Assembly
such term.
during that term.