of any person, who shall have been chosen
member, shall be a member of the same po-
as a Delegate, or Senator, or in case of
litical party as the person last elected to that
a tie between two or more such qualified
office. An appointee shall serve only until the
persons, the Governor shall appoint a person
next general election held at least ninety
to fill such vacancy from a person whose
days after the vacancy occurs. At that elec-
name shall be submitted to him in writing,
tion the remainder of the term shall be
within thirty days after the occurrence of
the vacancy, by the State Central Commit-
tee of the political party with which the
Delegate or Senator, so vacating, had been
affiliated in the County or District from
which he or she was elected, provided that
Ae appointee shall be of the same political
party as the person whose office is to be
filled; and it shall be the duty of the
Governor to make said appointment within
fifteen days after the submission thereof
to him. If a name is not submitted by the
State Central Committee within thirty days
after the occurrence of the vacancy, the
Governor within another period of fifteen
days shall appoint a person, who shall be
of the same political party as the person
whose office is to be filled, and who is other-
wise properly qualified to hold the office
of Delegate or Senator in the District or
County. In the event there is no State
Central Committee in the County or Dis-
trict from which said vacancy is to be
filled, the Governor shall within fifteen days
after the occurrence of such vacancy appoint
a person who is otherwise properly quali-
fied to hold the office of Delegate or Senator
in such District or County. In every case
when any person is so appointed by the
Governor, his appointment shall be deemed
to be for the unexpired term of the person
whose office has become vacant.
(b) In addition, and in submitting a
name to the Governor to fill a vacancy in
a Senatorial district or subdistrict, as the
case may be, in any of the twenty-three
counties of Maryland, the State Central
Committee or committees shall follow these
provisions :
( 1 ) If the vacancy occurs in a district or
subdistrict having the same boundaries as
a county, the State Central Committee of
the county shall submit the name of a
resident of the district or subdistrict.
(2) If the vacancy occurs in a district or
subdistrict which has boundaries comprising
a portion of one county, the State Central
Committee of that county shall submit the
name of a resident of the district or sub-