firmation, or rejection by the Senate, some
and the City of Baltimore, in the manner,
suitable person to fill the same for the
for the purpose, and with the powers now
residue of the term.
fixed, or which may hereafter be prescribed
by Law.
Sec. 41. There shall be a Register of
Wills in each county of the State, and the
City of Baltimore, to be elected by the legal
Article V.
and qualified voters of said counties and
Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the Clerk
city, respectively, who shall hold his office
of the Court of Appeals and the Clerks of
for four years from the time of his election,
any intermediate courts of appeal and of
and until his successor is elected and
the Commissioner of the Land Office, re-
qualified; he shall be re-eligible, and subject
spectively, whenever a case shall be brought
at all times to removal for willful neglect
into said Courts, or office, in which the
of duty, or misdemeanor in office in the
same manner that the Clerks of the Courts
are removable. In the event of any vacancy
State is a party, or has interest, immediately
to notify the Attorney General thereof.
in the office of the Register of Wills, said
vacancy shall be filled by the Judges of the
Article VI.
Orphans' Court, in which such vacancy
Sec. 3. The Treasurer shall receive the
occurs, until the next general election for
moneys of the State, and, until otherwise
Delegates to the General Assembly when a
Register shall be elected to serve for four
prescribed by Law, deposit them, as soon as
received, to the credit of the State, in such
years thereafter.
bank or banks as he may, from time to time,
Sec. 41C. (f) No member of the General
Assembly at which this amendment is pro-
posed, if otherwise qualified, shall be in-
eligible for appointment or election as judge
of the Municipal Court of Baltimore City
by reason of his membership in such Gen-
eral Assembly.
with the approval of the Governor, select
(the said bank or banks giving security,
satisfactory to the Governor, for the safe-
keeping and forthcoming, when required of
said deposits), and he or such of his
deputies as may be authorized to do so by
the Legislature shall disburse the same for
the purposes of the State according to Law,
Sec. 44. There shall be elected in each
upon warrants drawn by the Comptroller,
county and in Baltimore City in the year
or his duly authorized deputy, and on checks
1946 and in every fourth year thereafter,
countersigned by the Comptroller, or his
one person, resident in said county, or City,
duly authorized deputy, and not otherwise.
above the age of twenty-five years and at
The Treasurer or such of his deputies as
least five years preceding his election, a
may be authorized to do so by the Legisla-
citizen of the State, to the office of Sheriff.
ture shall take receipts for all moneys paid
He shall hold office for four years, and until
from the Treasury Department; and receipt
his successor is duly elected and qualified;
for moneys received by him shall be en-
shall give such bond, exercise such powers
dorsed upon warrants signed, by the Comp-
and perform such duties as now are or may
troller, or such deputy as may be author-
hereafter be fixed by Law.
ized to do so by Law, without which
In case of vacancy by death, resignation,
warrants, so signed, no acknowledgment of
refusal to serve, or neglect to qualify, or
money received into the Treasury shall be
give bond, or by disqualification or removal
valid; and upon warrants issued by the
from the County or City, the Governor shall
Comptroller, or his duly authorized deputy,
appoint a person to be Sheriff for the re-
the Treasurer shall make arrangements for
mainder of the official term.
the payment of the interest of the public
The Sheriff in each county and in Balti-
debt, and for the purchase thereof, on
more City shall receive such salary or com-
account of the sinking fund. Every bond,
pensation and such expenses necessary to
the conduct of his office as may be fixed by
certificate, or other evidence of the debt
of the State shall be signed by the Treasurer,
Law. All fees collected by the Sheriff shall
Chief Deputy Treasurer, or a Deputy
be accounted for and paid to the Treasury
Treasurer, and countersigned by the Comp-
of the several counties and of Baltimore
troller, Chief Deputy Comptroller, or a
City, respectively.
Deputy Comptroller; and no new certificate
or other evidence intended to replace
Sec. 45. Coroners, Elisors, and Notaries
another shall be issued until the old one
Public may be appointed for each county,
shall be delivered to the Treasurer, and