right of having questions reserved shall not,
more City shall be proceeded in, and
however, apply to trials of Appeals from
prosecuted to final judgment, or decree, in
judgments of Justices of the Peace, nor to
the Courts, respectively, of the same name
criminal cases below the grade of felony,
established by this Constitution, except cases
except when the punishment is confinement
belonging to that class, jurisdiction over
in the Penitentiary; and this Section shall
which is by this Constitution transferred to
be subject to such provisions as may here-
the Baltimore City Court, all of which shall,
after be made by Law.
together with all cases now pending in the
Sec. 23. The Judges of the respective
Circuit Courts of this State, and of the
City Court of Baltimore, be proceeded in,
and prosecuted to final judgment in said
Baltimore City Court.
Courts of Baltimore City, shall render their
decisions, in all cases argued before them,
Sec. 38. The Clerk of the Court of
or submitted for their judgment, within two
Common Pleas shall have authority to issue
months after the same shall have been so
within said city, all marriage and other
argued or submitted.
licenses required by Law, subject to such
Sec. 26. The said Clerks shall appoint,
provisions as are now, or may be prescribed
by Law. The Clerk of the Superior Court
subject to the confirmation of the Judges
of said city shall receive and record all
of their respective Courts, as many deputies
under them, as the said Judges shall deem
Deeds, Conveyances, and other papers,
which are, or may be required by Law, to
necessary to perform, together with them-
be recorded in said City. He shall also
selves, the duties of the said office, who
have custody of all papers connected with
shall be removable by the said Judges for
the proceedings on the Law or Equity side
incompetency, or neglect of duty, and whose
of Baltimore County Court, and of the
compensation shall be according to exist-
Dockets thereof, so far as the same have
ing, or future provisions of the General
relation to the City of Baltimore, and shall
also discharge the duties of Clerk to the
Sec. 33. The said Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City shall have power, and it
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, unless
otherwise provided by Law.
shall be its duty, to provide for the holding
Sec. 39. The General Assembly shall, as
of as many general Terms as the perfor-
often, as it may think the same proper and
mance of its duties may require, such general
expedient, provide by Law for the election
Terms to be held by not less than three
of an additional Judge of the Supreme
Judges; to make all needful rules and
Bench of Baltimore City, and whenever
regulations for the conduct of business in
provision is so made by the General As-
each of the said Courts, during the session
sembly, there shall be elected by the voters
thereof, and in vacation, or in Chambers,
of said City another Judge of the Supreme
before any of said Judges.
Bench of Baltimore City, who shall be sub-
ject to the same constitutional provisions,
Sec. 34. No appeal shall lie to the
hold his office for the same term of years,
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City from the
receive the same compensation and have
decision of the Judge, or Judges, holding the
the same powers as are, or shall be pro-
Baltimore City Court, in case of appeal
vided by the Constitution, or Laws of this
from a Justice of the Peace; but the decision
State, for the Judges of said Supreme Bench
by said Judge, or Judges, shall be final; and
of Baltimore City, and the General Assem-
all writs and other process issued out of
bly may provide by Laws, or the Supreme
either of said Courts, requiring attestation,
Bench by its rules, for requiring causes in
shall be attested in the name of the Chief
any of the Courts of Baltimore City to be
Judge of the said Supreme Bench of
tried before the Court without a jury, un-
Baltimore City.
less the litigants or some one of them shall
Sec. 35. Three of the Judges of said
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, shall
within such reasonable time or times as
may be prescribed, elect to have their causes
tried before a jury. And the General As-
constitute a quorum of said Court.
sembly may reapportion, change or en-
Sec. 36. All causes depending, at the
large the jurisdiction of the several Courts
adoption of this Constitution, in the Superior
in said City.
Court of Baltimore City, the Court of
Sec. 40. ... In case of a vacancy in
Common Pleas, the Criminal Court of
the office of Judge of the Orphans' Court,
Baltimore, and the Circuit Court of Balti-
the Governor shall appoint, subject to con*