purposes and only by the elected representa-
be rated or levied, under any pretence,
tives of the people exercising legislative pow-
without the consent of the Legislature.
Section 6.02. Local Taxing Power.
Art. III, sec. 51. The personal prop-
All units of local government shall retain,
erty of residents of this State, shall be
unless withdrawn by the General Assembly
subject to taxation in the county or city
by law, those taxing powers that they have
where the resident bona fide resides for the
at the effective date of this Constitution.
greater part of the year for which the tax
Taxing powers may be granted or withdrawn
may or shall be levied, and not elsewhere,
by the General Assembly by law applicable
except goods and chattels permanently
to all municipal corporations or by law ap-
located, which shall be taxed in the city or
plicable to one or more of the other popu-
county where they are so located, but the
larly elected representative local governments.
General Assembly may by law provide for
the taxation of mortgages upon property in
this State and the debts secured thereby,
in the county or city where such property
is situated.
Section 6.03. Assessments.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 15. That the
Assessments with respect to any tax shall
levying of taxes by the poll is grievous and
be made pursuant to uniform rules and pur-
oppressive, and ought to be prohibited; that
suant to classifications of property, taxpayers,
and events prescribed by law, which classes
shall include agricultural property as defined
by the General Assembly by law.
paupers ought not to be assessed for the
support of the Government; that the Gen-
eral Assembly shall, by uniform rules, pro-
vide for the separate assessment, classifica-
tion and sub-classification of land, improve-
ments on land and personal property, as it
may deem proper; and all taxes thereafter
provided to be levied by the State for the
support of the general State Government,
and by the Counties and by the City of
Baltimore for their respective purposes,
shall be uniform within each class or sub-
class of land, improvements on land and
personal property which the respective
taxing powers may have directed to be sub-
jected to the tax levy; yet fines, duties or
taxes may properly and justly be imposed,
or laid with a political view for the good
government and benefit of the community.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 43..... The
Legislature may provide that land actively
devoted to farm or agricultural use shall be
assessed on the basis of such use and shall
not be assessed as if subdivided.
Section 6.04. Equalization.
See Declaration of Rights, Art. 15 at Sec-
The State shall prescribe and administer
tion 6.03 for equalization.
uniform rules and methods for determining
property tax assessments. State funds distrib-
uted to units of local government on the ba-
sis of assessments of property shall be deter-
mined by assessments equalized among those
units, as prescribed by the General Assembly
by law.