Court in any county, or any part thereof,
incorporated city or town in this State,
except Baltimore City, and to prescribe and
from time to time to alter (1) the number,
qualifications, tenure, and method of se-
lection of the Judges of any such Court,
and their powers, duties and compensation,
except that the term of office or compensa-
tion of any Judge shall not be reduced
during his continuance in office; (2) the
jurisdiction of any such Court (which may
be made exclusive as to any class or classes
of civil cases in such county, or any part
thereof, city or town) and the right of
appeal therefrom; (3) the number, qualifi-
cations, tenure, method of selection, duties,
and compensation of all constables, clerks
or other employees for such Court; and (4)
all other matters relating to such Court.
After adoption of this Section the Governor
shall not be required to appoint any partic-
ular number of Justices of the Peace in any
county or in any of the several election
districts of the counties as now provided in
Section 42 of the Constitution.
Sec. 41C. (d) There shall be a Chief
Clerk of said Court who shall be appointed
by said Court and who shall perform such
duties as may be prescribed from time to
time by said Court or by Law by the Gen-
eral Assembly. He shall be paid such com-
pensation from such sources as the General
Assembly shall prescribe from tune to time
by Law. There shall be such deputy and
assistant clerks, clerical, probationary, sten-
ographic and other employees as may be
prescribed from time to time by the General
Assembly by Law and such Law shall pre-
scribe the method of selection, amount and
manner of compensation and tenure of such
employees and that such employees and the
Chief Clerk shall be or become members of
the Classified City Service of Baltimore or
the Classified Service of the State or another
classified service or merit system which may
be hereafter established. Such employees
shall perform such duties as may be pre-
scribed from time to time by said Court or
by Law by the General Assembly. The
employees of the Traffic Court of Baltimore
City shall be transferred from the Traffic
Court to the Municipal Court, as of the first
Monday in May, 1961.
Section 6.01. Power to Tax.
Declaration of Rights, Art. 14. That no
Taxes shall be imposed only for public
aid, charge, tax, burthen or fees ought to