Registers of Wills, the opposing candidates
shall have an equal number of votes, it
shall be the duty of the Governor to order
a new election; and in case of any con-
tested election, the Governor shall send
the returns to the House of Delegates, which
shall judge of the election and qualification
of the candidates at such election; and if
the judgment shall be against the one who
has been returned elected, or the one who
has been commissioned by the Governor,
the House of Delegates shall order a new
election within thirty days.
Sec. 14... . . The Judges of the Court
of Appeals shall be residents of and be
elected by the qualified voters of their
respective Appellate Judicial Circuits. The
term of each Judge of the Court of Appeals
shall begin on the date of his qualification
except that each of the judges of the Court
of Appeals in office at the time this amend-
ment to the Constitution takes effect shall
continue to hold office for the balance of
the term for which he was elected or
appointed or until he shall have attained
the age of seventy years, whichever may
first happen.....
See Art. IV, Sec. 21 at Section 5.14 for
election of circuit court judges.
Sec. 31. There shall be elected by the
legal and qualified voters of said City, at the
election, hereinbefore provided for, one
Chief Judge, and four Associate Judges,
who, together, shall constitute the Supreme
Bench of Baltimore City, and shall hold
their offices for the term of fifteen years,
subject to the provisions of this Constitution
with regard to the election and qualifica-
tions of Judges, and their removal from
office, and shall exercise the jurisdiction,
hereinafter specified.......
Part V. Orphans' Court.
Sec. 40. The qualified voters of the City
of Baltimore, and of the several Counties,
except Montgomery County, shall on the
Tuesday next after the first Monday in
November, (nineteen hundred and fifty-
eight) nineteen hundred and sixty-six, and
on the same day in every fourth year
thereafter, elect three men to be Judges of
the Orphans' Courts of said City and
Counties, ....
Sec. 41A....... [Baltimore City People's
Court] The Governor shall appoint to said
Court, to take office on the first Monday