Section 5.21. Procedures of Nominating
Each nominating commission shall act only
upon the concurrence of a majority of its
members. Each commission shall elect one of
its members as chairman.
Section 5.22. Judicial Term of Office.
Art. IV, sec. 3. The Judges of the said
The continuance in office of each judge
several Courts other than the Court of
shall be subject to approval or rejection at
Appeals or any intermediate courts of
the next general election following the expi-
appeal shall, subject to the provisions of
ration of two years from the date of the oc-
Section 5 of this Article of the Constitution,
currence of the vacancy to which he was
be elected in Baltimore City and in each
appointed and at the general election every
county, by the qualified voters of the city
eight years thereafter. The continuance in
and of each county, respectively, except
office of each judge of the Court of Appeals
that in the First and Second Judicial Circuits
and of the Intermediate Appellate Court
the said Judges of the several Courts shall
shall be subject to approval or rejection by
be elected by the qualified voters in each
the voters of the entire State. The continu-
respective Judicial Circuit as hereinafter
ance in office of each judge of the Superior
provided, all of the said Judges to be elected
Court and of the District Court shall be sub-
at the general election to be held on the
ject to approval or rejection by the voters of
Tuesday after the first Monday in No-
the county or the district in which the office
vember, as now provided for in the Con-
then exists. The Court of Appeals shall pre-
stitution. Each of the said Judges shall
scribe by rule for a poll by secret ballot of
hold his office for the term of fifteen yean
the lawyers of the area in which a judge
from the time of his election, and until
stands for election regarding the desirability
his successor is elected and qualified, or
of his continuance in office. The Court of
until he shall have attained the age of
Appeals shall prescribe by rule for publica-
seventy years, whichever may first happen,
tion of the results of the poll. If the voters
and be re-eligible thereto until he shall
reject the continuance in office of a judge
have attained the age of seventy years, and
the office shall be vacant.
not after. In case of the inability of any
of said Judges to discharge his duties with
efficiency, by reason of continued sickness,
or of physical or mental infirmity, it shall
be in the power of the General Assembly,
two-thirds of the members of each House
concurring, with the approval of the Gov-
ernor to retire said Judge from office.
See Art. IV, Sec. 5 at Section 5.15 for
election of judge appointed to fill a vacancy.
Sec. 11. The election for Judges, here-
inbefore provided, and all elections for
Clerks, Registers of Wills, and other officers,
provided in this Constitution, except State's
Attorneys, shall be certified, and the re-
turns made, by the Clerks of the Circuit
Courts of the Counties, and the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Baltimore City, re-
spectively, to the Governor, who shall issue
commissions to the different persons for
the offices to which they shall have been,
respectively, elected; and in all such elec-
tions, the person having the greatest num-
ber of votes shall be declared to be elected.
Sec. 12. If in any case of election for
Judges, Clerks of the Courts of Law, and