Section 5.11, Composition.
Sec. 41A. There is hereby created a
The District Court shall consist of the
People's Court of Baltimore City. Said
number of judges prescribed by law. The
Court shall consist originally of a Chief
State shall be divided by law into districts.
Judge and two Associate Judges; the number
Each district shall consist of one county or
of such Judges may thereafter be increased
two or more entire and adjoining counties.
or decreased by the General Assembly by
The number of judges shall be allocated
Law but no such decrease shall affect the
among the districts by law. At least one dis-
term of any Judge then in office or his right
trict court judge shall reside in each county.
to stand for election for further terms as
Functional divisions of the District Court
hereinafter provided.......
may be established in any district.
Sec. 41B. The General Assembly shall
have power by Law to establish a People's
Court in any county, or any part thereof,
incorporated city or town in this State,
except Baltimore City, and to prescribe and
from time to time to alter (1) the number,
qualifications, tenure, and method of se-
lection of the Judges of any such Court,
and their powers, duties and compensation,
except that the term of office or compensa-
tion of any Judge shall not be reduced
during his continuance in office; .....
Part V-B. Municipal Court.
Sec. 41C. (a) There is hereby created
a Municipal Court of Baltimore City. Said
Court shall consist originally of eleven
Judges; the number of such Judges may
thereafter be increased or decreased by the
General Assembly by Law, but no such
decrease shall affect the term of any Judge
then in office or his right to stand for
election for further terms as hereinafter
Section 5.12. Commissioners.
Part VI. Justices of the Peace.
There may be district court commissioners
Sec. 42. The Governor, by and with the
in the number and with the qualifications
advice and consent of the Senate, shall
prescribed by rule. Commissioners in a dis-
appoint such number of Justices of the
trict shall be appointed by and serve at the
Peace, and the County Commissioners of the
pleasure of that judge of the District Court
several counties, and the Mayor and City
who shall be designated by rule to appoint
Council of Baltimore, respectively, shall
commissioners therein. Commissioners may
appoint such number of Constables, for the
exercise powers only with respect to warrants
several Election Districts of the Counties,
of arrest, or bail or collateral or other terms
and Wards of the City of Baltimore, as are
of pre-trial release pending hearing, or incar-
now, or may hereafter be prescribed by Law;
ceration pending hearing, and then only as
and Justices of the Peace and Constables,
prescribed by rule.
so appointed, shall be subject to removal by
the Judge, or Judges having criminal juris-
diction in the county, or city, for incom-
petency, wilful neglect of duty, or misde-
meanor in office, on conviction in a Court
of Law. The Justices of the Peace and Con-
stables, so appointed, and commissioned,
shall be Conservators of the Peace, shall
hold their office for two years, and shall
have such jurisdiction, duties and compen-
sation, subject to such right of appeal, in