in the name of the State, for such sums of
money as may be collected by him, and
forthwith make return of and pay over the
same to the proper accounting officer. And
the State's Attorney of each county, and
the City of Baltimore, before he shall enter
on the discharge of his duties, and from
time to time thereafter, shall give such
corporate surety bond as may hereafter be
prescribed by Act of the General Assembly.
Section 5.01. Judicial Power.
See Art. 8, Declaration of Rights, at
The judicial power of the State shall be
Section 3.01 for separation of powers.
vested exclusively in a unified judicial system
composed of the Court of Appeals, the In-
termediate Appellate Court, the Superior
Court, and the District Court.
Part I. General Provisions.
Section 1. The Judicial power of this
State shall be vested in a Court of Appeals,
and such intermediate courts of appeal, as
shall be provided by law by the General
Assembly, Circuit Courts, Orphans' Courts,
such Courts for the City of Baltimore, as
are hereinafter provided for, and Justices
of the Peace; all said Courts shall be Courts
of Record, and each shall have a seal to be
used in the authentication of all process
issuing therefrom. The process and official
character of Justices of the Peace shall be
authenticated as hath heretofore been prac-
ticed in this State, or may hereafter be
prescribed by Law.
Court of Appeals
Section 5.02. Jurisdiction.
Sec. 14..... The jurisdiction of the Court
The Court of Appeals shall be the highest
of Appeals shall be co-extensive with the
court of the State and shall have the appel-
limits of the State and such as now is or may
late jurisdiction prescribed by law and the
hereafter be prescribed by law.......
original jurisdiction prescribed by this Con-
Sec. 15... . . and the judgment of the
Court of Appeals shall be final and con-
Section 5.03. Rule-Making Power.
Sec. 18. It shall be the duty of the
The Court of Appeals shall have power to
Judges of the Court of Appeals to make and
prescribe rules governing practice and proce-
publish rules and regulations for the pros-
dure in all courts; governing the admission
ecution of appeals to the appellate Courts,
of persons to practice law in this State and
whereby they shall prescribe the periods
their discipline; and governing the adminis-
within which appeals may be taken, what
tration of the courts, officers of the judicial
part or parts of the proceedings in the
branch, and officers of the executive branch
Court below shall constitute the record on
to the extent that their duties directly relate
appeal, and the manner in which such
to the enforcement of judicial orders. The
appeals shall be brought to hearing or
General Assembly shall have concurrent pow-
determination, and shall regulate, generally,
er to regulate by law the matters enumerated
the practice of said Court of Appeals and
in this section, except when these matters are
any intermediate courts of appeal so as